Foreign Policy

How US Foreign Policy affects Iran’s Identity: Implications for the Nuclear Issue

Amy Rose Townsend • Mar 21 2012 • Essays

This dissertation aims to establish the cumulative effect that the interactions between the USA and Iran have had on Iran’s identity.

The Foreign Affairs Select Committee and UK Foreign Policy

Tom Pettinger • Mar 11 2012 • Essays

The FAC is powerless compared to other committees; although most recommendations are taken on, many are weak and unsubstantial.

The WTO: Development or the Dollar?

Harry Naio • Mar 2 2012 • Essays

The WTO is nothing if not controversial. Many protests been motivated by frustration towards it’s advocacy of free markets and their effects on developing countries.

The Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and US use of Military Force

Benaisha Daruwalla • Feb 18 2012 • Essays

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have diminished America’s willingness to deploy traditional methods of force whilst simultaneously increasing its willingness to utilise new, technologically advanced methods

The Enigma of Iranian-Is​raeli Relations

Uri Marantz • Feb 8 2012 • Essays

The recent intensification of enmity between Iran and Israel has been the focus of political analysts, pundits, practitioners, and critics alike.

1946: A Year of Ideological Preconceptions

Brendan Thomas-Noone • Jan 25 2012 • Essays

The view that the Truman administration took in the lead up to, and during, the critical year of 1946 consequently affected the government’s actions when dealing with the Soviet Union.

What makes a successful sanctions regime?

Erik Sande • Jan 25 2012 • Essays

This essay explores the partial “success” of sanctions in Libya and their “failure” in the case of North Korea, before looking at the issue of integrative complexity and the current sanctions regime in Iran.

Assessing Japan’s and China’s strategic relationships with the USA

Sarah Torki • Jan 18 2012 • Essays

The Asia-Pacific’s emerging powers are translating their prosperity into military power. In such a context, the relationships between the two regional powers and the United States, are crucial.

The power politics of multi-lateral engagement

anon • Jan 16 2012 • Essays

Super-powers can be selective in their multi-lateral engagements. That is their problem. Middle-ranking powers cannot, that it is theirs.

Parallels between the Bush Doctrine and Obama Administration Policy

Yohan Iddawela • Dec 27 2011 • Essays

The election of Barack Obama as president in 2009 was thought to be the symbolic end of the Bush doctrine and its associated neoconservative underpinnings. This essay however seeks to challenge this notion by examining the parallels between the Bush doctrine and the policies of the Obama administration.

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