Foreign Policy

International Intervention in Croatia during the Yugoslav Wars

Julie Malá • Sep 16 2011 • Essays

This essay examines the international intervention in Croatia, arguing that while Western powers did achieve some minor victories, international diplomacy failed to accomplish its main objectives and in several cases even exacerbated the violence and disintegration in Croatia.

British Diplomacy and Iranian Angst: British Iranian Relations, 1973 -1979

Hugo Jackson • Sep 14 2011 • Essays

The Iranian pre-disposition to distrust the British has been referred to widely in both primary and secondary sources, yet has not been rigorously analysed in either its manifestations of effects. This essay will examine the effect of this cultural trait on the last six years of the reign of Mohammed Reza Shah, and on the conduct of British foreign policy during that period.

Is it correct to announce the decline and fall of the CNN effect?

Daniel Hardwick • Sep 7 2011 • Essays

The so-called CNN effect, where the actions of governments are influenced by the imagery presented by 24 hour news media, is not declining, but has been overstated since its initial conception, rendering James Hoge’s assertion that the CNN effect had more influence in its infancy than in subsequent years a misleading notion.

The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: An Assessment

Steven Hawkes • Sep 4 2011 • Essays

Despite unclear prospects for the CTBT, the international de facto norm against nuclear testing seems well established, and the already semi-functioning CTBT Organisation plays an important role in monitoring and verification. It is also important not to view the CTBT as an end in itself, as independently it will not be so effective as to make nuclear weapons obsolete.

British Counterinsurgency in the post-Cold War World

Ross Hall • Sep 1 2011 • Essays

The ‘British approach’ for conducting counterinsurgency (COIN) operations can act as guidance for how to achieve the best results. This approach has been honed through Britain’s unique experience of empire policing and conduct in several small wars spanning over 150 years. However, it is now coming under criticism for its apparent lack of utility in the post-Cold War world.

U.S. Military Aid and Development

Andrew Blair • Aug 19 2011 • Essays

By assisting dictators with military aid the U.S. is actually hurting both development and security.This paper will first look at what the purpose of military aid is and its history. Then it will examine three cases studies of the U.S. providing military aid to developing countries in order to understand why aid is provided and how it is hurting security and development.

The CNN Effect and Somalia

Daniel McSweeney • Aug 11 2011 • Essays

The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the influence of the media on the U.S. decision to withdraw from humanitarian operations in Somalia in 1994. The conclusion highlights the limits of the CNN effect as a theoretical framework for explaining media influence on foreign policy decisions. It instead emphasises the unique situational factors which influence policy.

Assessing the Success of Self-Reliance: North Korea’s Juche Ideology

Tom Dixon • Aug 7 2011 • Essays

The continued survival of the Kim regime at the head of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has been somewhat of a mystery to international scholars. The Juche ideology employed by the regime is at the heart of North Korea’s longevity and its success in providing continued internal legitimacy for the regime.

The US invasion of Iraq: failings and consequences

anon • Aug 1 2011 • Essays

The United States’ decision to launch a preventive attack on Iraq in 2003 resulted in significant international resentment, plummeting approval ratings of the Bush administration and domestic disenchantment which manifested itself with subsequent election results. This was exacerbated by failure to find weapons of mass destruction, the mistreatment of prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison, and the problematic occupation.

Britain’s foreign policy toward China 1997-2001

Mieke Molthof • Aug 1 2011 • Essays

Economic engagement with China serves Britain’s commercial interests while it also allows the UK government to put human rights at the heart of British foreign policy toward China. Through economic interdependence and participation in international organizations, the United Kingdom and China have mutual interests in maintaining a strong partnership. The development of a successful partnership can be brought about as the United Kingdom pursues a policy of economic engagement.

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