Foreign Policy

Islam and foreign policy making in Turkey

Harriet Fildes • Jul 26 2011 • Essays

This essay argues that the AKP’s foreign policy is based upon pragmatism. This has resulted in the emergence of Turkey as an important global actor. Recent claims and traditional understandings of the Justice and Development Party’s foreign policy as Islamized are simplistic and derive from misleading theories and political propaganda.

The Question of Identity: The EU/Turkey Integration Debate

Tom Dixon • Jul 21 2011 • Essays

The eastward expansion of the EU has shown the flexibility of what is European. The future integration of Turkey is the next step towards increasing recognition that the values that unite Europe are indeed universal, and that therefore, European identity cannot be culturally or territorially bounded.

Why are Nuclear Weapons So Appealing to Nation-States in the 21st Century?

James Chisem • Jul 20 2011 • Essays

In an anarchical system, for large states, indebted to a Cold War strategic culture, nuclear armaments offer the capacity to irrationalise major inter-state war, therefore creating the foundations for great-power peace and stability. Similarly it gives small states the ultimate life insurance, allowing them to defy the preponderance of more powerful nations.

Are Failing and Failed States a Post-Cold War Phenomenon?

Sebastiaan Debrouwere • Jul 16 2011 • Essays

As security threats have altered from regional instability caused by ‘rogue states’, to overarching security concerns which can come from non-state actors and state-actors alike, actors in the international arena have been urged to shift their attention towards the causes of these menaces; dysfunctional societies.

Why is ‘historical memory’ still so significant in understanding German foreign and security policy?

IJ Benneyworth • Jul 8 2011 • Essays

From the Holocaust memorial, to the deliberately unrecovered foundations of Gestapo headquarters, to rare war-era buildings bearing the scars of Red Army gunfire, links to the Nazi-era and the associated ‘historical memory’ has maintained a grip on the German psyche.

Protecting Civilians in Conflict: Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Hyginus Okechukwu Iwuh • Jul 6 2011 • Essays

The principle of distinction and discrimination of combatants and non-combatants is the cornerstone of international humanitarian law. Humanitarian and human rights law build on two very distinct perspectives of protection of civilians during armed conflicts; and therefore, present two independent legal regimes, which were not necessarily designed to coexist.

Why Do States Obey Rules in International Cooperation?

Feina Cai • Jun 7 2011 • Essays

Social control, which is essential to all social relations, is at the center of international relations. Calculation of self-interest best explains actors’ underlying incentives, and thus their willingness to comply with rules.

Democratic Peace Theory: An Appropriate Guide to Foreign Policy?

Jennifer Jackson • Jun 2 2011 • Essays

A liberal foreign policy based on the assumption of DPT – that liberal democracies will be less likely to go to war with each other – does have flaws and weaknesses. While fixing these flaws and strengthening these weaknesses may be difficult, time-consuming and painful, the promise of peace is surely worth the effort.

What does the Mafia success concept teach us?

Marina Popcov • May 30 2011 • Essays

Transnational organized criminal groups were ever since a darling of the sensation seeking media. But since the attacks of 9/11, criminal networks were moved even further into the spotlight, as the sources of income for the historically most deadly and horrific generation of global terrorism.

Unstable Peace in the Pacific

Joseph Artuso • May 22 2011 • Essays

In discussions of U.S. hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region, China looms large. The United States—along with many of China’s neighbors—have cautiously embraced China’s rise. However tensions in the region have been on the rise and the potential for strategic rivalry in the long run remains high.

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