International History

The Implicit Imperialism of Democratic Peace

Alexandros Zachariades • Oct 9 2018 • Essays

The idea that democratization is the path to peace rose with liberal victory after the Cold War, but this lacked major empirical backing or a tested peacebuilding model.

Is Nationalism Inherently Violent?

Veronika Prochko • Sep 23 2018 • Essays

Though nationalism by itself may not cause violence, it represents a factor in many inter-communal conflicts and is thus of great importance to international relations.

How History Shapes India’s Foreign Policy Goals

Alison Quinn • Aug 4 2018 • Essays

A historical perspective is required to understand how India’s past as a both a dominant and an oppressed power affects its modern foreign policy identity.

How Has the Study of International Security Changed since the Cold War’s End?

Jonathan White • Jul 25 2018 • Essays

The end of the Cold War has justified an overhaul in the traditional ontological and epistemological foundations of security studies.

The Development-Security Nexus: An Exploitative Past and Present

Riley Barrett • Jul 24 2018 • Essays

The nexus between development and security is a timeworn institution with a Eurocentric history that proves exploitative for non-Western peoples.

Confucianism or Legalism? A Grand Debate on Human Nature and Economic Thought

Conner Peta • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

International Political Economy’s normative discussion on the state’s role in the economy can be traced back to Confucianist and Legalist debates in Ancient China.

Authoritarian Difussion and the Failure of the “Colour Revolutions” to Spread

Davide Giordanengo • Sep 28 2017 • Essays

Can the concept of “Authoritarian Difussion” explain the unsuccessful spread of the colour revolution and the repressive measures that illiberal regimes have taken after?

Imperialism by Another Name: The US “War on Drugs” in Colombia

Grace Lee • Aug 22 2017 • Essays

This essay examines US policy towards Colombia from Truman to Reagan, tracing the emergent “war on drugs” and the related political, economic, and military strategies.

An Analysis of Online Terrorist Recruiting and Propaganda Strategies

Mark Taylor • Jul 19 2017 • Essays

The rise to prominence of online terrorist recruitment and propaganda strategies has become a major concern of national security services worldwide.

How Park Chung-hee Made the Most of the South Korea-US Vietnam War Alliance

Ben Alperstein • Jul 9 2017 • Essays

The relationship between the two countries, one a hegemon and one a new nation, was truly uneven – but not in the ways one would expect.

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