International History

Factors Behind Deteriorating Sino-Japanese Relations

Gerald Sim • Nov 1 2016 • Essays

Incidents such as territorial disputes and nationalist protests are but symptoms of deeper undercurrents at work in deteriorating Sino-Japanese relations.

Kunarac: Defining Rape under International Criminal Law

Werner Hofs • Oct 16 2016 • Essays

The Kunarac case represented the international community’s willingness to recognise women’s vulnerability to mass atrocities.

A Theoretical Analysis of Russian Foreign Policy: Changes Under Vladimir Putin

Giovanni Baldoni • Sep 10 2016 • Essays

Russian foreign policy is largely influenced by Putin’s desire to remain in power and the need to contain domestic restructurings through securing domestic support.

Reconciliation in Transitional and Post-conflict Societies: Healing or Impunity?

Yvonne Manzi • Sep 2 2016 • Essays

Reconciliation is more meaningful when viewed as a transformative process which favours a restorative notion of justice, rather than as merely another word for impunity.

Are Arab Nationalism and Islamism Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Nathanael Chouraqui • Sep 2 2016 • Essays

Arab nationalism & Islamism, intertwined from birth, grew out of a shared anti-Western identity but the contents & meanings of this rejection are fundamentally different.

A Just Cause? The Eastern Interpretation of Just War Theory

Toh Junhan • Aug 25 2016 • Essays

Western ‘Just War Theory’ has influenced International Relations for centuries, but is significantly different to the Indian and Chinese interpretation.

The Fateful 52: How the American Media Sensationalized the Iran Hostage Crisis

Monica L. Coscia • Aug 20 2016 • Essays

The US media’s generalization of the Iran hostage crisis through a liberal, secular, Western democracy lens marred Iran’s image and influenced US responses to the crisis.

Is the Developmental State Model Useful When Reviewing Pacific-Asia?

Haoyu Zhai • Aug 8 2016 • Essays

Although the Developmental State Model is often used to understand Pacific-Asia’s post-Korean War economic take-off, it is insufficient at explaining Japan’s development.

The Evolution of Russian Organised Crime and the Challenge to Democracy

Jessica Xiao • Jul 31 2016 • Essays

The growth of Russian organised crime poses a huge threat to the development of democracy in the Russian state and other transitioning states around the globe.

Why Was Yugoslavia Expelled from Cominform?

Matt Evans • Jul 24 2016 • Essays

Questioning the orthodox view that Yugoslavia’s expulsion from Cominform was due to her diverging socialist ideals being irreconcilable with the Soviet Union’s agenda.

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