International History

Orientalism, Palestinian Nationalism, and Israeli Repression

Ibrahim Gabr • Jun 20 2014 • Essays

The success of Palestinian nationalism in the context of the peace process is complicated by the variations in Orientalism which occur between different forms of Zionism.

Was the Communist Party of Yugoslavia a Leninist Party?

Matt Finucane • Jun 15 2014 • Essays

The Communist Party of Yugoslavia was a thoroughly Leninist party. Even at those moments when it appeared to go against Lenin, its adherence to him was near complete.

Constituting Latin America

Kevin Doherty • Jun 14 2014 • Essays

Early US foreign policy understood and utilised modernity in a manner distinct from Europe, but on the same problematic epistemological grounds.

The Legal and Social Condition of the Enslaved Population in Classical Athens

Jesús David Quintero Aleans • Jun 8 2014 • Essays

The normative principles of the Athenian urban constituency may have contained and funnelled the commercial, financial, and collective activities of the enslaved sectors.

Should we Rebuild ‘Failed States’ or ‘Let Them Fail’?

Michael Williams • Jun 8 2014 • Essays

The practice of rebuilding ‘failed’ or ‘failing’ states is ethically problematic. It overlooks human security and is too focused on Western institutional standards.

The Domestic and Ideational Sources of the European Defence Community’s Defeat

Ibrahim Gabr • Jun 4 2014 • Essays

Rather than a realist explanation for France’s defeat of its own EDC proposal, we must delve into the constructivist realm of identity and historical determinism.

Why Is a Small State Like Georgia Important for the USA, the EU and Russia?

Tamta Utiashvili • Jun 4 2014 • Essays

Newcomer Georgia became an arena of confrontation between the USA, the EU and Russia due to its geostrategic location, political developments and strategic orientation.

France’s Olive Branch Strategy and the 2011 Ivoirian Crisis

Susan Poni Lado • Jun 3 2014 • Essays

As Africa diversifies its external relations, France has acted under the abode of multilateral institutions in order to advance her geostrategic imperatives.

Iran 1978-1979: Reflections on Intelligence Failure

Adam Moscoe • May 30 2014 • Essays

The failure of the US intelligence community to predict the Islamic Revolution in Iran offers lessons that remain relevant today in the aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’.

A Tale of Two Partitions: The First Indo-Pakistani War and the Palestine War

Christopher Klune • May 28 2014 • Essays

The potentiality of statehood provided by partition filled the nation building fervor of Hindus, Muslims, Arabs, and Jews.

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