International History

How ‘Westphalian’ is the Westphalian Model?

Camille Mulcaire • Feb 3 2014 • Essays

The accepted IR narrative of Westphalia is a myth: the Westphalian model has little, if anything, to do with the Peace of Westphalia from which the model gets its name.

What Were the Causes and Consequences of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War?

Selina Kaur Rai • Jan 15 2014 • Essays

Even though the 1948 Arab-Israeli War resulted in Israel’s victory, it had significant consequences on the regional politics of the region, which are still visible today.

Japan and the Rise of China

Max Munday • Jan 5 2014 • Essays

Adjustments need to be made to Japan’s strategic policies toward China to ensure that domestic legitimacy concerns do not exploit existing pressures that would destabilise the Sino-Japanese relationship.

Should Kosovo Become Independent?

anon • Nov 18 2013 • Essays

Although current and controversial voices have been raised that Kosovo’s status as an international protectorate must be broken, the question remains: is independence the ultimate solution?

The Power of One: The Emperor Responsible for the 1972 China-US Relations

Matthew Krnich • Nov 4 2013 • Essays

Chinese – US diplomacy in 1972 would have been impossible without Mao’s permission. The historical influences of the talks illuminate the importance of Mao on China’s decisions.

The Role of the Media During the Cold War

Alexander Stafford • Oct 26 2013 • Essays

Evolving from radio and print into TV during the Cold War years, the media’s role in the production, contribution, and maintenance of Cold War antagonism cannot be understated.

Zionism and Arab Nationalism

anon • Sep 20 2013 • Essays

Understanding the evolution of Jewish and Arab consciousness, in its emergence through a socio-political nationalism, allows for a more profound understanding of the status quo.

Patterns of Migration in Central and Eastern Europe

Sashenka Lleshaj • Sep 18 2013 • Essays

Immigration into Central and Eastern Europe has become mainly economically motivated, while migration out of this region is for reasons more economically, culturally and socially diverse.

To What Extent Does the ‘Working Class’ Identity in Russia and Eastern Europe Exist Today?

Sashenka Lleshaj • Aug 28 2013 • Essays

Because workers do not have the same positions, cannot develop their similar interests, and lack a representative of their class, the post-socialist period lacks a working class.

Free Press, Democracy and the Prevention of Famines

Neil Grogan • Aug 28 2013 • Essays

To prevent famine, democracy and a free press trump single-minded agricultural expansion. Where agriculture fails, the lobbying capabilities of citizens enables a political response.

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