International History

When did Guerrilla Warfare Become Truly Revolutionary?

Phil Stibbe • Mar 28 2013 • Essays

Great War doctrine dominated pre-1930s military thinking, but the mid-20th Century witnessed the full development of guerrilla warfare, in thought and in practice.

Intercultural Communication and Transnational Protests at the Olympics

Daniel Golebiewski • Mar 16 2013 • Essays

Although the Games are an under-explored phenomenon in IR, they represent one of the longest-standing forums for global interaction in our world.

The Counter-Insurgency Operation in Chechnya

Joseph Myers • Mar 13 2013 • Essays

The First Chechen War was a clear failure of counter-insurgency operations, and whilst there were improvements in the Second Chechen War, a wholly successful outcome has not been achieved.

Thinking About Free Trade: The Role of Ideas in Shaping Trade Regimes

Emma Bell-Scollan • Jan 11 2013 • Essays

Trade regimes of the late 19th century and post-War era shared a common root in liberal economic theory, but fostered opposing policies on government intervention in domestic markets.

Neo-Functionalism and the European Union

Thomas M. Dunn • Nov 28 2012 • Essays

Neo-functionalism occupied a core role in the formation of the European Union. Furthermore, the process of neo-functionalism will likely continue into the future, leading to further European integration.

The Impact of European Colonialism on the Indian Caste System

Ben Heath • Nov 26 2012 • Essays

The caste system during European colonialism was not invented by Europeans. It was, however, adapted and exploited by British colonials throughout their occupation of India.

Interest Policies and the 1928 Great Slump

Christopher Wood • Nov 9 2012 • Essays

Had US policy makers been able to rely on a range of fiscal tools such as were gifted to federal government during the New Deal era, more decisive action could have been taken to avert such a prolonged depression.

Foucault’s Interpretation of Modernity

Luke Godfrey • Oct 26 2012 • Essays

Foucault’s understanding of modernity is focused on the constructive potential of transgression or transfiguration & its role in creating forms of subjugation and experimentation in society.

The Causes of the Sierra Leone Civil War

Se Young Jang • Oct 25 2012 • Essays

The civil war was the result of varied interactions between structural problems in Sierra Leone society which increased grievances among people and led to the emergence of the RUF.

Mass Consumption and Meaningful Democratic Politics

Luke Corden • Oct 18 2012 • Essays

On an ideological level citizens have gradually internalised a consumer ideology, which is susceptible to marketing whether it be brand of product or brand of politics.

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