International History

The Neo-Colonialism of Development Programs

Cecil Sagoe • Aug 12 2012 • Essays

A theoretical examination of North-South and South-South development projects shows how these programs reinforce global systems of economic dependence and strucures of inequality.

Problems with Anglo-American Centered International Theory

anon • Aug 7 2012 • Essays

There is a need to expose the relationship between IR’s roots and whom it currently favours in its interpretation. Only then can we work towards a truly ‘international’ theory.

Women in the Arab World: A Case of Religion or Culture?

Desiree Bryan • Aug 2 2012 • Essays

Religion, culture and politics are historically interdependent influences, constantly reimagined and reconstituted throughout history, that shape the space that women occupy.

What are the Political Causes of Failed States in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Alberto Pecoraro • Jul 31 2012 • Essays

The causes of Africa’s failed states must be researched within those states. External relations of dependency and neocolonialism have aggravated their situation but are not the main causes.

A Critical Evaluation of Mikhail Gorbachev’s Role in Ending the Cold War

Rafal Nedzarek • Jul 30 2012 • Essays

Although Gorbachev’s merit in ending the Cold War has been eroded by new evidence, it was his skillful diplomacy that prevented its violent end.

Partition: Everyday Lives and Loyalties in West Bengal

Ella Moore • Jul 26 2012 • Essays

After partition, many local and familial loyalties remained but for most, and particularly for the East Bengali refugees, lives and loyalties were changed irrevocably

Power Politics and Scarcity in the Modern Age: A Zero Sum Game

David Suen • Jul 24 2012 • Essays

The strong will ultimately capitalise on advantages to maximize their interests, disregarding the limited counter-strategies available to the weak.

Building an Independent State in Kurdistan

Peshtiwan Ali • Jul 19 2012 • Essays

The Kurdistan region has to earn its complete part in secession from being a de facto substate entity within the Iraqi state and transferring itself to a fully independent de jure state.

Did the UNHCR Fail Vietnamese Refugees in Hong Kong?

Nicholas Hendry • Jun 29 2012 • Essays

The UNHCR faced a difficult situation in managing Vietnamese refugees in the late 1970s and 80s. Nevertheless, several of the failures were of its own making.

The Retelling of the Story of Ireland and its Implications

Holly Yort • Jun 28 2012 • Essays

History is not only written by the victors but also rewritten, time and time again. A look at a few exemplifying events in the history of Ireland demonstrates how this process can occur.

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