International History

Did Revolution or Regime Implosion End the Soviet Union?

Timothy Frayne • Jun 15 2012 • Essays

The collapse of the USSR was almost entirely based on the ‘regime implosion’ within the CPSU which was ill-prepared for newly introduced reforms and their consequences.

Power-Sharing as a Form of Democratic Development in Zimbabwe and South Sudan

Julian Neal • Jun 13 2012 • Essays

Power-sharing, far from a method aimed solely at conflict resolution, provides ample chance for national political development.

The Significance of the Dreyfus Affairs on Politics in France from 1894 to 1906

Jean-Baptiste Tai-Sheng Jacquet • Jun 6 2012 • Essays

The Dreyfus affair helped the French Republic reassert her power over the army and those parties who wanted to topple the democracy.

Is it Possible to Devise a Fair System of Lustration?

Laisve Linkute • Jun 1 2012 • Essays

In post-communist countries, the most popular method for dealing with the communist past was lustration. Some countries dealt with former collaborators more harshly than others, but ultimately it is not possible to devise a fair system of lustration.

The Divisive Nature of Ethnicity in Ugandan Politics, Before and After Independence

Andy Lancaster • May 25 2012 • Essays

Although ethnic divisions were substantiated in a number of different forms, ethnicity was a persistent and divisive force in Ugandan politics, both before and after independence.

What Impact Did Decolonisation have on Britain?

Richard J. Vale • May 22 2012 • Essays

The impact of decolonisation was greatly mitigated by the spread of informal empire through Britain’s rather selective approach to granting independence. This was a last attempt to turn global politics to Britain’s advantage.

Civil-Military Relations in Turkey

Ariana Keyman • May 21 2012 • Essays

The shift in Turkish civil-military relations post 2002 is a consequence of an emerging reconfiguration of norms, interests, and identity in Turkish politics.

The Role of the State in Development: Re-examining Neo-Liberal Recommendations

Annemarie Detlef • Apr 26 2012 • Essays

Examining the history of development in the UK, the US, Germany and Japan brings the policy recommendations of neoliberalism into question.

Rousseau: Conjectural History and the Political Theory of Organic State

Leonardo S. Milani • Apr 20 2012 • Essays

Rousseau’s entire socio-political philosophy resembles a form of policy analysis of the discontents of human civilization and socialization, designed to discover a remedy for our ‘miseries’.

The Chicken or the Egg? Causes of the Moldova-Transnistria Conflict

Jonathan C. Lima Matthews • Apr 18 2012 • Essays

Economic, political and social variables were mutually important at the onset of the Moldova-Transnistria Conflict.

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