International History

The Great Lockdown vs. The Great Depression and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Akshat Sogani • Jul 2 2020 • Essays

Compared to the Great Depression and the 2008 Financial Crisis, the impact of the current economic crisis has been much hastier, more entrenched and very immediate.

Overcoming Empire’s Seduction: Decolonizing International Relations

Ernest Lee • Jun 30 2020 • Essays

Post-colonial theory challenges the validity of knowledge on former colonial societies, but is often accused of being deconstructive at the expense of a practical focus.

Imperialism’s Legacy in the Study of Contemporary Politics: The Case of Hegemonic Stability Theory

Phuong Pham • Jun 22 2020 • Essays

Imperialism’s legacy continues to influence the contemporary study of world politics, as the case of hegemonic stability theory shows.

Enduring Stark Utopia: A Polanyian Reading of the Global Political Economy

Alessandro Colasanti • Jun 19 2020 • Essays

The work of Karl Polanyi illuminates the link between socio-political outcomes that resulted from the economic crashes of 1929 and 2008.

Violence and Otherness: A New Perspective on Decolonisation Beyond Fanon

Giulia Tempo • Jun 4 2020 • Essays

One can extend Frantz Fanon’s original account of violent de-othering beyond decolonization by establishing a dialogue between Fanon and the work of Tzvetan Todorov.

What American and European Scholarship on the Iranian Revolution Has Omitted

Chloé Bernadaux • Jun 4 2020 • Essays

Most accounts fail to provide an all-encompassing explanation of the revolution, however each contributes one piece of the puzzle.

Is Decolonisation Always a Violent Phenomenon?

Sehar Shaheryar • May 9 2020 • Essays

In the cases of 20th century decolonisation, violence was an unavoidable means to overthrowing a violent system.

War Scares and (Nearly) the End of the World: The Euromissiles Crisis of 1977–1987

Joshua Woodyatt • May 2 2020 • Essays

If not for the influence of the European peace movements and eventual de-escalation at the hand of Mikhail Gorbachev, the prospect of a nuclear war might have been realised.

Critical Reflections on Ethnicity and Colourism in Africa and the Diaspora

Katya Kerrison • Apr 11 2020 • Essays

Colourism in African communities has evolved from colonialism, slavery and racial hierarchies and affects both those with dark and light skin in negative ways.

Can the Use of Torture in Intelligence Gathering Be Justified?  

Clara Assumpção • Mar 20 2020 • Essays

Torture can never be justified as a form of intelligence gathering as it is inherently flawed and unethical.

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