Identity Politics

Neocolonialism in J.A. Bayona’s ‘The Impossible’

Kate Williams • Jul 27 2020 • Essays

The popular ‘rose tinted’ depiction of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami justifies the Global North’s neocolonial foreign aid strategies.

The Political Use of Soviet Nostalgia to Develop a Russian National Identity

Maria Markova • Jul 14 2020 • Essays

Russian governments have used nostalgia for the Soviet Union as a political tool to generate a uniform Russian national identity.

De-constructing the ‘White Saviour Syndrome’: A Manifestation of Neo-Imperialism

Felix Willuweit • Jul 13 2020 • Essays

The ‘White Saviour Syndrome’ represents the interpellation of an altruistic subject by the ruling capitalist ideology that reinforces the global means of production.

Constructing a Narrative: Ontological Security in the Scottish Nation (State)

Alice Creighton • Jul 10 2020 • Essays

This autoethnographic essay explores how myth-making in the Scottish education curriculum contributes to a rise in Scottish identity of young people.

Racism and the Politics of Fear at the US-Mexico Border

Futoon Al Mahruqi • Jul 8 2020 • Essays

Security discourse that constructs migrants as existential threats to the American national identity reinforces racism, abuse of power, and the politics of fear.

A Critical Analysis of Libya’s State-Building Challenges Post-Revolution

Jasheil Athalia • Jul 7 2020 • Essays

Libya’s security dilemma is tied to the challenges of state-building and democratisation processes reflected through its weak institutions and legitimacy issues.

“The Crime He Committed Was to Steal a Cow”: Moral Luck and Gacaca

Maxfield Hancock • Jul 6 2020 • Essays

By rewarding confession and promoting reintegration, the Rwandan justice program Gacaca was marked by a permissive attitude toward individual moral responsibility.

Enduring Stark Utopia: A Polanyian Reading of the Global Political Economy

Alessandro Colasanti • Jun 19 2020 • Essays

The work of Karl Polanyi illuminates the link between socio-political outcomes that resulted from the economic crashes of 1929 and 2008.

The Call for a New Subject: Gender and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Lilly Felk • Jun 11 2020 • Essays

The Covid-19 crisis has further revealed the need for International Relations to more fully incorporate the ideas of gender and feminist theorists.

Violence and Otherness: A New Perspective on Decolonisation Beyond Fanon

Giulia Tempo • Jun 4 2020 • Essays

One can extend Frantz Fanon’s original account of violent de-othering beyond decolonization by establishing a dialogue between Fanon and the work of Tzvetan Todorov.

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