Identity Politics

Can Islamist Movements Be Moderated Through Political Participation?

Drishti Suri • May 29 2020 • Essays

The internal power structures and dynamics of the Islamic movements determine their responses to the political opportunities and obstacles faced upon inclusion.

ISIS, Radicalization and the Gendered Online Jihad

Emma van den Aakster • May 22 2020 • Essays

Female foreign recruits to ISIS are an important, though often-ignored, part of the organization. All ISIS recruits contribute to state-building in gendered ways.

Critical Reflections on Ethnicity and Colourism in Africa and the Diaspora

Katya Kerrison • Apr 11 2020 • Essays

Colourism in African communities has evolved from colonialism, slavery and racial hierarchies and affects both those with dark and light skin in negative ways.

Eating Last and the Least: Analysing Gender in Global Hunger

Arpita Wadhwa • Apr 8 2020 • Essays

The level of coordination between international and national actors is a critical determinant of global hunger rates for women.

A Geostrategic Explanation of India-Myanmar Bilateral Relations since the 1990s

Balachander Palanisamy • Mar 31 2020 • Essays

Bilateral relations between India and Myanmar in the post-Cold War era are governed and defined by geostrategic interests more so than by identity and ideology.

Is the Military a Masculinised Expression of Society?

Maya Lahav • Mar 10 2020 • Essays

The military is representative of an international political landscape in which masculinity is considered natural and superior to feminine traits.

Revisiting Wendt: An Argument for the Normativity of Wendtian Constructivism

Daniel Boston • Mar 7 2020 • Essays

While Wendt does not offer a comprehensive ethical framework, he does have a normative side where he offers a goal to strive towards and a moral way for state to act.

Europe’s Biggest Eurosceptics: Britain and Support for the European Union

Ryan J. Bain • Feb 3 2020 • Essays

Euroscepticism remains higher in the United Kingdom in contrast to their continental peers, as reflected in its referendum to leave the European Union.

Dealing with Myanmar’s Past: A Call for a Truth Commission

Laura Huchet • Dec 29 2019 • Essays

The creation of a truth commission in Myanmar will address the country’s past and help overcome the current democratic deadlock without sacrificing past progress.

Decolonising World Politics: Anti-Colonial Movements Beyond the Nation-State

Yatana Yamahata • Dec 15 2019 • Essays

Nationalism does not determine an anti-colonial movement’s success because it does not capture the transnational and intersectional nature of colonial legacies.

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