Identity Politics

Fighting Patriarchy like it’s 1938: Virginia Woolf, Trailblazer of Feminist IR

Constantin Gouvy • Apr 19 2019 • Essays

Virginia Woolf’s work “Three Guineas” should be read as a transgressive, iconoclastic, and avant-gardist classic of critical feminist and gendered IR theory.

Armies of Women: The Syria Crisis and the New War Thesis

Timothy Abington • Mar 27 2019 • Essays

The Syrian Civil War constitutes a “new war” from the feminist perspective when it is contextualised within the literature of the new war debate.

Building Boundaries: The Sources of Nagorno Karabakh’s De Facto Statehood

Larissa de Castro Nogueira • Mar 11 2019 • Essays

This essay explains the variety of forces that operate within Nagorno Karabakh’s enclave – especially the ones related to Nation-Building and State-Making processes.

Queer Asylum Seekers as a Threat to the State: An Analysis of UK Border Controls

Raf Galdeano • Feb 15 2019 • Essays

UN refugee laws and the UK asylum process perpetuate unrealistic expectations of queer identity for asylum seekers.

National Identity and the Construction of Enemies: Constructivism and Populism

Lena Johanna Kappenberg • Jan 27 2019 • Essays

Constructivism elucidates how populist parties use identity construction and interest creation to portray their policies as necessary protections of national identity.

Perpetual Conflict of ‘Turkishness’: The Turkish State and its Minority Groups.

Elizabete Aunina • Nov 4 2018 • Essays

Turkishness identity has an effect on the social/legal spheres of its state relations and has Othered the largest ethnic/religious minorities, the Kurds and the Alevis.

What Role did Christian Teachings Play in the American Civil Rights Movement?

Juleus Ghunta • Nov 1 2018 • Essays

‘Christian teachings’ does not denote a unitary worldview, therefore, the concept must be analysed within distinct socio–political, cultural and economic contexts.

Weaponized Artificial Intelligence & Stagnation in the CCW: A North-South Divide

Alena Zafonte • Nov 1 2018 • Essays

The stagnation of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons stems from the discrepancy in technological development between the Global North and Global South.

Cycling into Norway – Borders as Creative, Contested Controversies

Fanny Falkenberg • Oct 18 2018 • Essays

Security studies should view borders as “contested moments” to better highlight the complexity of their securitization and the subjectivity of migrants.

(Re)Shaping Territories to Identities: Is the Middle East a Colonial Invention?

Yatana Yamahata • Oct 7 2018 • Essays

Orientalism served as a basis of colonial thought and activity that enabled and justified the intervention of the ‘Middle East’ without considering different identities.

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