Identity Politics

‘Fascisti del Terzo Millennio? No, solo Fascisti’: The Politics of CasaPound

Eugenia Zena • Oct 5 2018 • Essays

Despite some perceptions that the political party CasaPound only selectively invokes fascist ideology, the organization fully adheres to traditional fascist doctrine.

How Does Hegemonic Masculinity Influence Wartime Sexual Violence?

Emer Campbell • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

This student essay aims to illustrate how hegemonic masculinity is constructed, maintained and legitimated through the practice of sexual violence.

A Postcolonial Analysis of the European ‘Migrant Crisis’

Caoimhe ODwyer • Aug 29 2018 • Essays

The European migrant crisis illustrates that the immigration/border regimes on the continent are products of European colonial heritage and racialised identities.

Re-Framing Gender Relations in Conflict Settings: UNSCR 1325 in Sierra Leone

Effrosyni Chantzi • Aug 20 2018 • Essays

Despite its operationalization as a National Action Plan, UNSCR 1325 has not yet sufficiently transformed women’s political representation in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

The Persistence of the FARC in Colombia

Bryan Baker • Aug 7 2018 • Essays

The FARC was able to organize, survive government onslaughts, train and recruit soldiers, and fund operations because of the absence of the state from much of the Colombian countryside.

How History Shapes India’s Foreign Policy Goals

Alison Quinn • Aug 4 2018 • Essays

A historical perspective is required to understand how India’s past as a both a dominant and an oppressed power affects its modern foreign policy identity.

Is the Feminine Changing in Relation to War?

Jonathan Cooper • Aug 2 2018 • Essays

By occupying perpetual states of contestation, the gender codes of femininity and masculinity have always been changing in relation to war.

International Relations Theory Will Be Intersectional or It Will Be… Better

Alexander Stoffel • Jul 31 2018 • Essays

Intersectional discourses participate in the construction of the very subject whose emancipation they claim to facilitate

A Spectre of Conflict: Shaping Lebanese Sectarianism and Identity Politics

Petros Petrikkos • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

Sectarianism has gone beyond religious elements, and is actually fueled by identity politics. A united identity in Lebanon is needed to ensure continuing stability.

One for All or All for One? Ideology and Cohesion in the IRA and PIRA

Valeria Scuto • May 30 2018 • Essays

Is there a relationship between ideology and insurgent cohesion? The cases of the IRA and PIRA, the Provisional Irish Republican Army, provides an interesting insight.

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