Identity Politics

Do Gender Minorities Belong in the Military?

river champion • May 14 2018 • Essays

Trans people are included in the military by their willingness to reinforce the binary narrative structures of women as “beautiful souls” and men as “citizen protectors”.

Security Council Resolution 1325’s Impact on Kosovo’s Post-Conflict Framework

Effrosyni Chantzi • May 11 2018 • Essays

In line with the agenda set by Security Council Resolution 1325, Kosovo has worked to integrate gender equality into its post-conflict peace-building efforts.

Oppressing Islamists and Domestic Insecurity in Egypt and Tajikistan

Elizabete Aunina • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

Is the oppression of Islamists a mobilizing factor for mass mobilization against the state? The case studies of Egypt and Tajikistan provide interesting insights.

Terrorists or Freedom Fighters: A Case Study of ETA

anon • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

The ETA’s armed struggle was a necessary component of retaliating against the Spanish government’s Basque oppression, and therefore, they are freedom fighters.

Assessing the Merits of Post-Fordism from a Gendered IPE Approach

Lucas Arndell • Apr 2 2018 • Essays

The introduction of women into the labour force tackled society’s subservient ideologies seen in the Fordist placement of women solely within domestic and reproductive spheres.

Diglossia and Politics in Arabic

Ryan Zohar • Mar 29 2018 • Essays

Political actors in the Middle East use the diglossic features of Arabic to match their language to the political context, as speeches made during the Arab Spring show.

The Generational Diversity of Religious Orientations of Muslims in Britain

Farhana Akthar • Mar 8 2018 • Essays

There are generational differences between first generation and subsequent generations of British Mulims in regards to the interplay between culture and religion.

Hezbollah: At the Crossroads of Religion and Politics

Mairi Robertson • Nov 26 2017 • Essays

Hezbollah is at a crossroads in Syria, where its web of identities is in danger of coming undone.

Do Contemporary Practices of Schooling Reinforce Colonial Relations of Power?

Elena Mather • Oct 3 2017 • Essays

Contemporary practices of schooling reflect ethnocentrism as universal truth, reinforcing power relations that resulted from colonial rule by maintaining binaries.

Can We Ever Fully Secure “My” Spaces?

Lucia Lucchini • Sep 30 2017 • Essays

The question of security is ever topical, and this essay addresses the ‘my’ of spaces and how we can conceptualise them.

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