Identity Politics

Silent Birangonas: Sexual Violence, Women’s Voices and Male Conflict Narratives

Annika Wolke • Sep 19 2017 • Essays

The experience of Bangladesh’s Birangona women show the influence of gendered narratives of war, culture and nationalism in conflict.

What Was the Role of Ideology in Cuba’s Foreign Policy in the Angolan Civil War?

Rita Deliperi • Aug 26 2017 • Essays

For a comprehensive understanding of the Cuban intervention in Angola, it is necessary to consider both ideological and materialistic dynamics.

A Constructivist Approach to Analysing Somalia’s State Failure

Carolina Mañoso Gimeno • Aug 17 2017 • Essays

If an effective solution is to be found for Somalia’s deep problems, it needs to be consistent with the Somali identity so that Somalis can be part of a lasting solution.

An Analysis of Online Terrorist Recruiting and Propaganda Strategies

Mark Taylor • Jul 19 2017 • Essays

The rise to prominence of online terrorist recruitment and propaganda strategies has become a major concern of national security services worldwide.

What is the Role of Precarity in Security?

Lucia Lucchini • Jul 17 2017 • Essays

Precarity creates a grey area of uncertainty which further stimulates insecurity so its analyses contribute vastly to our understanding of current security issues.

France, Post-secularism and Islam

Lucie Pebay • Jun 12 2017 • Essays

The French model can be considered as a great example that demonstrates the complex intertwining of the religious and the secular in modern times.

Female Combatants: Same goals, different motivations?

Gül Pembe Akbal • Jun 2 2017 • Essays

Female fighters in Chechnya and Kurdistan are drawn upon as case studies to outline alternative motivations for female combatants, aside from traditional gender roles.

The Aesthetics of Revolt: Emerging Political Subjectivities in the Arab Spring

Samuel Singler • May 12 2017 • Essays

Aesthetic forms of revolt live on in the collective memory as well as in their material forms, and continue to provide a repertoire for subsequent political action.

Culture, Conflict and Proxy Wars: A Macro Clash of Civilizations?

Jacob Smith • Feb 3 2017 • Essays

Huntington’s Macro Clash of Civilizations has not manifested, and does not look likely to manifest itself in the near future.

The Nakba, The Holocaust and Collective Victimhood

Uygar Baspehlivan • Jan 9 2017 • Essays

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is perpetuated by culturally and socially embedded discourses of victimhood that are existent in both countries’ narratives.

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