Identity Politics

How Does Violence Against Women Manifest? The Case of Post-Conflict Afghanistan

Amy Jo Davies • Aug 18 2016 • Essays

Structural violence helps explain oppression of women caused by conflict but a continuation of patriarchal customs & occidentalist/orientalist agendas also contributes.

How Can We Explain the Existence of Al-Qaeda?

Mariya Grozdanova • Jul 31 2016 • Essays

The emergence of Al-Qaeda is influenced by structural factors, but it cannot operate effectively in the longer term without its principle resource – its human capital.

Rethinking How the War on Terror Misjudges Terrorism in Liquid Modernity

Tianyang Liu • Jul 29 2016 • Essays

Certainty seems to slip away when we are facing the decline of traditional power relations and mediating new forms of governance.

Why Was Yugoslavia Expelled from Cominform?

Matt Evans • Jul 24 2016 • Essays

Questioning the orthodox view that Yugoslavia’s expulsion from Cominform was due to her diverging socialist ideals being irreconcilable with the Soviet Union’s agenda.

Cosmopolitanism and Classical Realism as Morally Defensible Theories

Gerald Sim • Jul 13 2016 • Essays

Cosmopolitanism and Classical Realism, whilst possessing divergent perspectives towards morality, are both morally defensible theories.

Explaining the Rise and Differentiation of Modern Worldwide Salafi Movements

Madeleine Nyst • Jul 10 2016 • Essays

Salafism’s ability to transcend local traditions, spaces and other forms of religious authority created an imagined community, de-linked from any state or territory.

Almost the Same, But Not Quite (Soft): the Duality of Russian Soft Power

Xuan Hung Le • Jun 29 2016 •

Russia’s attempt to use soft power in foreign policy is both counter-hegemonic and oriented toward promoting a regional, Russo-centric hegemonic order.

Reconciling Gender in Post-Conflict Societies: Sri Lanka and Sierra Leone

Padmapriya Govindarajan • Jun 1 2016 • Essays

The policy of forcing women to pick between the role of ‘victim’ or ‘soldier’ has denied justice, agency, and rehabilitation to women in post-conflict societies.

A Whig History of European Integration?

Jiayuan Wang • May 29 2016 • Essays

The inescapability of Whig history lies not in the irreversibility of the European project but in the political necessity of its narrative construction.

The Myth of Soft Power in Asia

Eunsun Chang and Nagyon Kim • May 24 2016 • Essays

Soft power, unless blended appropriately with hard power, cannot insert influence in international relations and serve as an effective diplomatic tool.

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