Identity Politics

The Eclipse of Pan-Arab Nationalism

Ahmed Elsayed • May 26 2015 • Essays

Both ideological and internal and external geopolitical forces have led to the emergence, decline and subsequent failure of Pan-Arab Nationalism in the Middle East.

Postructuralism and Feminism: The Interplay between Gender, Language and Power

Michael Wooldridge • May 22 2015 • Essays

Violence is not an intrinsic part of an objective reality, but rather exists because it is legitimated and normalized through the valorization of a hegemonic masculinity

EU-Ukraine Relations Before the 2014 Maidan Revolution

Julia Sinitsky • Apr 23 2015 • Essays

Ukraine’s unwillingness to disentangle itself from its past ties sent certain signals to the EU indicating hesitancy, reluctance, and suspicion towards Europe.

The Developing World’s Need for a Postmodern Understanding of Feminism

Michael Wooldridge • Apr 20 2015 • Essays

Liberal feminism is necessary but insufficient for redressing structural gender inequalities in the developing world, as they require instead a postmodern understanding.

Australia’s Foreign Policy Approach on Climate Change: Leader or Laggard?

Elizabeth Feeney • Apr 15 2015 • Essays

Australia’s engagement with the international climate change regime highlights complex dilemmas embedded within the very nature of the issue itself.

A Critical Review of Lisa McGirr’s The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti

Sass Rogando Sasot • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

McGirr has not fully overcome the romance of domination and resistance, but by taking a transnational approach demonstrates the global significance of Sacco and Vanzetti.

The Situatedness of Social Practices and the Writing of Violence in IR

João Terrenas • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

Asking what is the nature of the IR field amounts to questioning what IR is for and leads subsequently to exploring what is at stake in the social practices.

Open Your Eyes: Globalization and the Politics of Attention

Izadora Zubek • Mar 29 2015 • Essays

Attention, action, and mobilization are needed for citizens to be more responsive to global injustices and thus responsible for a more inclusive world.

Post-Race Rhetoric in Contemporary American Politics

Angie Sassano • Mar 16 2015 • Essays

By analysing the ongoing Ferguson protests and post-race rhetoric, America is a society still burdened by racial injustices which favour white citizens.

Logged In: Transforming the Political Process in Russia

Ivan Bakalov • Feb 13 2015 • Essays

The Internet has had a positive impact on the provision of the normative good of democratic self-determination and participation in the Russian Federation.

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