Identity Politics

Dominant Gender Discourses and the Framing of Female Rebels in Syria

Stina Wassén • Feb 8 2015 • Essays

The gendered framing of female Syrian rebels, prevalent in media sources, de-legitimises the political reasoning behind their individual decisions to be involved.

Decolonising Structural Realist Understandings of Latin America

John de Bhal • Jan 21 2015 • Essays

Despite the fact that grand narratives inevitably advantage, disadvantage, include, and exclude, scholars should remember that the mind must still be decolonised.

Reviewing the Changing Situation of Women in Russian Society

Nicola-Ann Hardwick • Dec 20 2014 • Essays

As the authoritarian grasp tightens in Russia, resistance to heteronormativity and neo-conservative gender rules has become difficult but necessary.

Political Legitimacy in Post-Tiananmen China

Clement Chen • Dec 19 2014 • Essays

Tiananmen, although isolated as a catalyst for subsequent domestic reforms in China, was only one of a number of structural factors which led to the China of today.

The Emergence and Cascading of Pope Francis’ Norm of Social Justice

Marianne Rozario • Dec 18 2014 • Essays

Since Pope Francis has restated the importance of social justice, this norm is going through a ‘life cycle’, and Catholics are beginning to accept and act upon it.

Barack Obama: How an ‘Unknown’ Senator Became President of the USA

Robert McGuigan Burns • Dec 12 2014 • Essays

In 2004, few Americans had ever heard of Obama, let alone considered voting for him. Yet, within four years he had been elected president.

Demographics, Perceptions & the Weakening Securitisation of the US-Mexico Border

Matthew Fowle • Nov 28 2014 • Essays

In recent years, American audiences have grown sceptical on the securitisation of the US-Mexico border, and indeed, the broader discourse on immigration and security.

Does Gender Shape the War System and Vice Versa?

Ibtisam Ahmed • Nov 16 2014 • Essays

Contemporary perceptions of combatants underline how the masculine–aggressive and feminine–passive nexus still lies at the heart of gender and the war system.

Evaluate the Role of Utopian Thinking in Green Political Thought

Lucile Cremier • Nov 10 2014 • Essays

As a mode of thinking, ‘Utopia’ is a crucial part of Green political thought and a mark of its distinctiveness.

Popular Culture & the Representation of Women’s ‘Agency’ During Indian Partition

Arpita Roy • Nov 5 2014 • Essays

From popular culture in India, we can identify examples of the strategic deployment of women’s agency. Discussions of agency are necessary for feminist resistance.

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