Identity Politics

Victim-Politics and Post-Conflict Foreign Policy in Rwanda and Sri Lanka

Kithmina Hewage • Jul 24 2014 • Essays

Sri Lanka and Rwanda elicit a sense of victimhood upon which their respective foreign policies have been built.

Nigeria’s “Resource Curse”: Oil as Impediment to True Federalism

Vanessa Ko • Jul 20 2014 • Essays

Whilst Nigeria’s history of colonialism can partly explain the difficulties of achieving a functioning federalism, its ‘resource course’ is also a significant hindrance.

Religion and Globalization: New Possibilities, Furthering Challenges

Daniel Golebiewski • Jul 16 2014 • Essays

The relationship between religion and globalization is complex, one with new possibilities and furthering challenges.

Global Governance and the Democratic Aspect of Cross-Border Communications

Stefanie Kam • Jul 4 2014 • Essays

The technological intensification of the communication channels across the globe will trigger the need for governing the democratic aspect of cross-border communications.

Recontextualising the ‘War on Terror’: Discursive Practices from Bush to Obama

David Morgan • Jul 3 2014 • Essays

The strategies employed by the Bush administration after 9/11 to manufacture public consent for action have since been recontextualised towards Iran by Barack Obama.

An Evaluation of National Party System Europeanization: A Case Study of Croatia

Janeeth Devgun • Jun 29 2014 • Essays

The variation in Croatia’s party systems is apparent through institutionalisation, the European socialisation of Croatian elites and voter attitudes towards the EU.

Is Democracy a Cause of Peace?

Michael Hart • Jun 20 2014 • Essays

As the causal mechanisms and positivist epistemology underpinning it are questionable, the democratic peace should be understood as part of a more complex causal process.

Orientalism, Palestinian Nationalism, and Israeli Repression

Ibrahim Gabr • Jun 20 2014 • Essays

The success of Palestinian nationalism in the context of the peace process is complicated by the variations in Orientalism which occur between different forms of Zionism.

Climate Change Politics Through a Constructivist Prism

Tim Pfefferle • Jun 18 2014 • Essays

Constructivism captures the political nature of the climate change issue and is able to put it in its respective historical and social context.

Was the Communist Party of Yugoslavia a Leninist Party?

Matt Finucane • Jun 15 2014 • Essays

The Communist Party of Yugoslavia was a thoroughly Leninist party. Even at those moments when it appeared to go against Lenin, its adherence to him was near complete.

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