Identity Politics

Should Kosovo Become Independent?

anon • Nov 18 2013 • Essays

Although current and controversial voices have been raised that Kosovo’s status as an international protectorate must be broken, the question remains: is independence the ultimate solution?

Does Globalization Diminish the Importance of Nationalism?

Tammam O. Abdulsattar • Nov 14 2013 • Essays

Although the process of globalization tries to make the world as “one”, awakened minorities, nationalities, and localities have begun to see it as a threat to their identities.

Comparing the New Life Movement to the Cultural Revolution

Mike Pitstick • Nov 14 2013 • Essays

Compared to the Cultural Revolution, had there been increased foreign support, the New Life Movement could have been a defining doctrine of Modern China, not a blip on the history books.

Successfully Implementing Ethical Foreign Policy

Emily Clews • Oct 31 2013 • Essays

Rather than as a consistent and self-standing construction, ethical foreign policy is dependent upon the underlying domestic and political context of the State in question.

‘Bedouin’ Hospitality in the Neo-Global City of Dubai

James Barnes • Oct 16 2013 • Essays

Has hospitality in the Middle East, especially in Dubai, been changed as a result of the construction of new cities, or has it merely shifted to accommodate a new type of guest?

Zionism and Arab Nationalism

anon • Sep 20 2013 • Essays

Understanding the evolution of Jewish and Arab consciousness, in its emergence through a socio-political nationalism, allows for a more profound understanding of the status quo.

Elites and Democracy in China

Matthew Saayman • Sep 6 2013 • Essays

Though it has been argued that China will democratize in the near future, only time will tell whether the elites will perceive the benefits of democracy as outweighing the costs.

Multiculturalism, Migration, & Governance in Australia

Gina G. Song Lopez • Sep 1 2013 • Essays

The evolution of multiculturalism as a national policy in Australia shows that the country’s success draws from the implementation of adaptable and goal-oriented approaches to migration.

Deconstructing the Clash of Civilizations in the Netherlands

Leonardo Quattrucci • Aug 29 2013 • Essays

When deconstructing the clash through the security theory, economic and social factors are crucial triggers of hostilities between Islamic minorities and Dutch/Western nativists.

Evaluating the Integration of the South African Women’s Movement

Roxanne Juliane Kovacs • Aug 14 2013 • Essays

Neither the increased number of female participants in politics nor the establishment of the National Gender Machinery has improved women’s material conditions in South Africa.

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