Identity Politics

Different Political Trajectories: India and Pakistan

Maceo Bruce Darby • Aug 9 2013 • Essays

India and Pakistan’s differing political trajectories are not due to individual factors such as religion but a blend: history, identity, leadership, security, and international actors.

Irish Defence Force Services and Masculine Identity

Robert Morrow • Aug 5 2013 • Essays

The Irish Defence Forces creates soldiers by replacing individuality with an identity that embodies the Irish masculine ideal of being emotionally void, heterosexual, and strong.

Women’s Water Woes: Privatization and Reinforcement of Gender Inequality

Michele Cantos • Aug 2 2013 • Essays

The privatization and commoditization of water involves complex distributional choices that disproportionately impact women and girls living in slums and informal settlements.

Israel, Refugees, and Collective Identity

Eliran Kirschenbaum • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

Can societies absorb refugees and still maintain their security? An examination of Israeli state practices toward African asylum-seekers can help answer this question.

The Ideological Moderation of Islamist Movements

Julia Tallmeister • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

The behaviour of any particular Islamist movement is rarely static, as movements and parties tend to moderate their ideologies under both inclusive and exclusive regimes.

Protecting Internally Displaced Persons in India

Tanushree Rao • Jul 15 2013 • Essays

Due to the lack of a national framework for the protection of IDPs, Indian state governments’ responses to such needs are weak, unsatisfactory and dependent on political agendas.

The Architecture of Spies

Connor Lattimer • Jul 9 2013 • Essays

The city has always been a resource for power. Predominately, this power has been exercised through the use of surveillance by elites in government, the armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

Is South Korea Ready for Reunification?

Soo Kim • Jun 24 2013 • Essays

Even if international politics granted a political union between the two Koreas, the domestic conditions in South Korea cannot sustain the successful implementation of a reunification.

Assessing Russia’s Policy Toward its ‘Near Abroad’

Levan Kakhishvili • Jun 17 2013 • Essays

After the demise of the USSR, Russia struggled to reshape its identity and was unable to accept the new independent states in its neighbourhood, influencing its distinct foreign policy.

Using the ‘Queer’ to Construct the Non-West

Mel Nowicki • May 24 2013 • Essays

The non-West is often portrayed as underdeveloped and its emigrants are securitised in order to ensure the West’s preservation and justify its self-interested interventions.

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