Identity Politics

Ethnic Minorities and Political Participation

Cansarp Kaya • May 20 2013 • Essays

The structure of a state’s government and its strategies towards minorities determines whether or not ethnic minorities participate in political processes through institutionalized modes.

Protection and Promotion of Multilingualism in the EU

Shannon Hall • May 15 2013 • Essays

Those who are fluent in the “official” languages of the EU will benefit from the promotion of multilingualism, but minority language speakers and those who are monolingual will suffer.

Realities of Biometric Surveillance

Andrew M. J. Huntleigh • May 14 2013 • Essays

Finding a balance between state security and human security remains a central problem for the ever-expanding surveillance infrastructures now pervasive across the global system.

Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire

Joshua Fenlon • May 13 2013 • Essays

The geopolitical imaginations in the film ‘Shake Hands with the Devil’ offer a unique inside-out perspective from the position of one man, Romeo Dallaire, and his experience of Rwandan genocide.

Electoral Systems and Stability in Divided Societies

Jay Crush • May 10 2013 • Essays

An appropriate electoral system is essential to securing stability in a divided society, as it can encourage inclusion and moderate policies.

Transnational Irish and Islamic Movements

Andrew Burrows-Johnson • May 3 2013 • Essays

The religious nature of Hezbollah has provided it with a cultural heritage to draw upon and an ability to sustain itself, both of which surpass that of the Irish Republican Movement.

Postcolonialism and the Reassertion of ‘Non-Modern’ Thought

Evan Ritli • May 2 2013 • Essays

Positioned outside the modernist project, postcolonial critiques can highlight the limitations placed upon traditional theories of International Relations by their adherence to modernism.

Memory, Identity, and Extremism in the Ayodhya Dispute

Maryyum Mehmood • Apr 25 2013 • Essays

Extremist elites amongst both Hindus and Muslims effectively mobilised the ordinary masses, aligning them to their own interests and harnessing narratives of collective identity.

Ethnicity as a Source of Conflict in India

William Crowne • Apr 24 2013 • Essays

Impoverished slums, such as those in Mumbai and Gujarat, played a major part in ethnic violence because they were reliant upon resource networks divided along ethnic lines.

Aid Conditionality and Sexual Rights in the Third World

Bruce Warwick • Apr 1 2013 • Essays

The current human rights framework, while tackling sexual rights, fails to take local contexts into account, thus increasing discrimination and limiting the impact of local activists.

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