Identity Politics

Han Chinese Identity and Securitization

Robbie Murray Fergusson • Mar 16 2013 • Essays

Although tying the Han identity to the state has been an effective way of nation building, securitization of this identity has been detrimental to the overall security of the CCP regime.

How are Nationalist Politics and Religious Faith Related?

Nikita Malik • Mar 10 2013 • Essays

Whilst the use of religion as a ‘defence mechanism’ may reinforce ‘exclusion for inclusion’ concepts, to argue that it is the cause and consequence of Hindu nationalist politics would be limited.

Challenges of Devolution Politics in the UK

Alvaro Florez Diez • Feb 27 2013 • Essays

Devolution represents the most important change that the Westminster model has ever experienced. It has affected its politics in unintended ways, challenging the UK’s territorial and political integrity.

Analysis of the Beslan Massacre

Evelina Vilkaite • Feb 13 2013 • Essays

The violence in Beslan was more complex than a purely religion-based attack by Islamic extremists: it was also rooted in the Russian-Chechen wars and dramatic recollections of them.

The Securitization of Legal Immigration in The United Kingdom

D. Morgan Trujillo • Jan 12 2013 • Essays

When differentiating one group from another, whether it is a societal differentiation, national or ethnic distinctions, a process of ‘self-definition’ and ‘other-definition’ occur.

Influences that Shaped Taliban Ideology

Thomas Frear • Dec 26 2012 • Essays

Due to unique geo-political circumstances surrounding its emergence, the Taliban’s brand of Islam is unique, combining conservative aspects of the Deobandi and Wahhabi schools.

Australia’s Immigration Policy Following the Second World War

Kieran Fairbrother • Dec 26 2012 • Essays

Government initiatives were aimed at using immigration as a means of not only building the population, but also improving the economic state of the nation simultaneously.

Civil War Relapse?: Hezbollah & Sectarianism in Post-War Lebanon

Luke Falkenburg • Dec 11 2012 • Essays

Hezbollah has demonstrated itself to be the greatest threat to the stability of post-war Lebanon. It acts outside state control and holds the populace hostage to its demands.

Differences in Patterns During the Yugoslav Wars

Alexander Langer • Dec 1 2012 • Essays

The Yugoslav Wars were a tragedy, yet parts of Yugoslavia had different experiences. Slovenia’s secession was relatively bloodless, Croatia’s was violent, and Bosnia’s secession was even more so.

Sri Lanka, Ethnic Conflict, and the Rise of a Violent Secessionist Movement

Declan OBriain • Nov 28 2012 • Essays

Why did the peaceful Tamil minority eventually became a violent secessionist group dedicated to the goal of establishing Tamil Eelam homeland?

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