Identity Politics

Gacaca: A Successful Experiment in Restorative Justice?

Charlotte Clapham • Jul 30 2012 • Essays

Gacaca was not a successful experiment in restorative justice. It did not contain a strong enough reparative element and was hampered by factors of capacity such as a lack of legal expertise and sufficient compensation for victims.

The Impact of ‘Identity Politics’ on Iranian-American Relations

Aryaman Bhatnagar • Jul 26 2012 •

1979 was a watershed for US-Iranian relations. Thereafter, a politics of identity has shaped relations, obstructing normalisation efforts.

Partition: Everyday Lives and Loyalties in West Bengal

Ella Moore • Jul 26 2012 • Essays

After partition, many local and familial loyalties remained but for most, and particularly for the East Bengali refugees, lives and loyalties were changed irrevocably

An Explanatory Account of Stalin’s “Great Terror” and the Rwandan Genocide

Thomas Spencer • Jul 20 2012 •

A strategic explanatory account of mass killing is of extensive relevance, but evidently this human tragedy cannot be exclusively understood as a strategic consequence.

Building an Independent State in Kurdistan

Peshtiwan Ali • Jul 19 2012 • Essays

The Kurdistan region has to earn its complete part in secession from being a de facto substate entity within the Iraqi state and transferring itself to a fully independent de jure state.

Riots in India: A Consequence of Democracy?

Kalathmika Natarajan • Jul 18 2012 • Essays

Political motivations offer only a partial explanation for Indian riots. They do not take into account religious mobilization, extremist ideologies, or perceptions of ‘the other’ that lead to participation in, or approval of, violence.

Gacaca Courts and Restorative Justice in Rwanda

Thomas Hauschildt • Jul 15 2012 • Essays

While Gacaca courts have served human needs by exercising retributive and restorative justice, the trials can also invoke retraumatisation and insecurity.

What Are The Main Causes of Genocide?

Dominique Maritz • Jul 12 2012 • Essays

Incidents of genocide are not unique to the modern era; however, ideas of Enlightenment have led to humans’ wish to continually improve their societies.

Labour Movements: A Prominent Role in Struggles Against Globalisation?

Joe Sutcliffe • Jul 11 2012 • Essays

Neoliberal globalisation creates opportunities for new forms of organisation and resistance, even as it attempts to undermine existing strategies.

Was the Arab Spring a Regional Response to Globalisation?

Ella Moore • Jul 2 2012 • Essays

The Arab Spring was a series of national responses to anachronistic regimes and domestic conditions catalysed, but not created, by the pressures of globalisation.

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