Identity Politics

History: A Dangerous Weapon in Political Hands?

Chloe Janssen-Lester • Jul 2 2012 • Essays

History, because of the authority with which it is bestowed, is of particular utility for political agents. Invoking the past is a way of evidencing the circumstances of the present.

AIPAC and Iran: Influential or Irrelevant?

Drew Wagstaff • Jul 1 2012 • Essays

The introduction of the AIPAC into the debate surrounding Iran’s nuclear capabilities will move the United States’ position towards Israel’s.

The Retelling of the Story of Ireland and its Implications

Holly Yort • Jun 28 2012 • Essays

History is not only written by the victors but also rewritten, time and time again. A look at a few exemplifying events in the history of Ireland demonstrates how this process can occur.

Militancy in the Niger Delta: Petro-Capitalism and the Politics of Youth

Joe Sutcliffe • Jun 25 2012 • Essays

Research must consider the links between militants and the oil complex in order to assess the potential for further rounds of violence.

How Significant is Nationalism as a Cause of War?

James Bingham • Jun 19 2012 • Essays

Nationalism holds the potential to ignite entire populations. Yet, it is incorrect to assume a nationalist state or group is more inclined to turn to violence than a different politically-orientated entity.

Strategic Culture and Divergent Security Policies of European States

Frank Komrij • Jun 17 2012 • Essays

The concept of strategic culture is highly useful for explaining the diverging security policies and practices of European states, as it provides a reason why strategic behavior is resistant to change.

Analysing the Depiction and Control of Women’s Participation in Violence

Grace Burton • Jun 17 2012 • Essays

Until gender considerations are taken into account when discussing violence, recognition of women as being capable of rationally undertaking violent action cannot be achieved.

Is the Destruction of Urban Structures a Form of Violence?

Dobromir Zaprianov • Jun 15 2012 • Essays

People live in an environment composed of buildings and structures that represent their identity, collective memory and culture. An attack on that is an attack on people.

The Essentially Misunderstood Nature of Political Islam

Ioana Tartacuta • May 30 2012 • Essays

This essay rejects the notion that Islam is radical and suggests that portraying it as such is a direct consequence of America’s misconceptions about the scope and reach of Islamic values.

The Divisive Nature of Ethnicity in Ugandan Politics, Before and After Independence

Andy Lancaster • May 25 2012 • Essays

Although ethnic divisions were substantiated in a number of different forms, ethnicity was a persistent and divisive force in Ugandan politics, both before and after independence.

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