Identity Politics

Critiquing the Colour Blind Stance on Racial Politics in New Zealand

Sophie Tapper • May 24 2012 • Essays

In our allegedly ‘post-race’ society, there is growing consensus that the political approach to achieving racial equality should be distinctively colour blind.

Civil-Military Relations in Turkey

Ariana Keyman • May 21 2012 • Essays

The shift in Turkish civil-military relations post 2002 is a consequence of an emerging reconfiguration of norms, interests, and identity in Turkish politics.

The Influence of Right Wing Politics in Britain During the 2009 European Elections

Kriti Bami • May 15 2012 • Essays

Parties that identify with being on the right of centre, who follow a Eurosceptic ideology and call for the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union show significant growth in electoral support in recent years.

Prospects and Challenges for the Development of Middle Eastern Democracy

Robyn Halbert • May 3 2012 • Essays

Whilst many of the monarchies in the region seem unwilling to cede power entirely to more democratic institutions, there has been a push for constitutional monarchies.

The European Union’s Newest State: Iceland?

Peter Sherwood • Apr 30 2012 • Essays

The origins of the Icelandic bid for EU membership lie in a national crisis never before experienced and the purpose of membership remains a hotly disputed topic in the nation of just over 300,000.

The Decline of British Identity

Steve Eldon Kerr • Apr 13 2012 • Essays

The current British government aims to create a British identity from liberal-democratic values. However, values that assert a particular world view cannot unify diverse populations.

Rwandan Genocide: Failure of the International Community?

Dominique Maritz • Apr 7 2012 • Essays

The “shadow of Somalia”, national interest and lack of internal pressure led to international failure to prevent and stop the Rwandan genocide.

Failed Humanitarian Intervention in East Timor

Katherine Green • Apr 6 2012 • Essays

Although East Timor gained independence in 2002, it was a failure to mitigate ethnic tensions in 1999 that demonstrated the UN’s self-limiting culture.

Abjection and Resistance on the Zambian Copperbelt

Joe Sutcliffe • Mar 29 2012 • Essays

By concentrating on the struggles of Copperbelt mineworkers, their resistance to neoliberal domination in Zambia be understood and reaffirmed.

The Symbolic Politics Theory of Ethnic War

Katherine Green • Mar 13 2012 • Essays

Symbolic politics theory is a more accurate account of ethnic conflict. It attributes the outbreak of extreme violence to both elite politics and the socialization of competing identities.

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