Identity Politics

Does Nationalism Facilitate Order and Justice?

Nadia Vittoria • Mar 7 2012 • Essays

Nationalism, as a concept, ultimately fails to facilitate order and justice in international society because of its inherently volatile and unpredictable nature.

Determinants of Attitudes on Immigration in Canada and France

Dylan White • Feb 22 2012 • Essays

There is little comparative academic work on public perceptions of immigration. Canada perennially scores highly, while France fares poorly.

The Enigma of Iranian-Is​raeli Relations

Uri Marantz • Feb 8 2012 • Essays

The recent intensification of enmity between Iran and Israel has been the focus of political analysts, pundits, practitioners, and critics alike.

Why Have Far-right Parties Been More Successful in Some States Than Others?

Alex Murray • Jan 24 2012 • Essays

From Hungary to Norway, far-right parties have made electoral gains across Europe; quadrupling their average share of the vote in recent decades

‘Hospitality’ and the Ethics of EU Foreign Policy (1999-2004)

Oliver Carrington • Jan 23 2012 • Essays

The concept of hospitality can be used to analyse EU foreign policy in a number of ways. The EU’s own approach uses this concept to demonstrate the ethical dimension of EU foreign policy.

Can the EU Foster a Post-national European Identity by the Extension of European Constitutional Rights?

Alexander Michiel Kok • Jan 19 2012 • Essays

Constitutional patriotism carries several threats. It imperils the meaning of rights, making them too dogmatic or too universal. In the latter case it disconnects them from institutions, in the former it alienates those with a minority identity.

Child Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone

Ashlyn Exley • Dec 26 2011 • Essays

The systematic inclusion of children in the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission process was unprecedented in the history of truth and reconciliation initiatives. Given the country’s history of child involvement in the war as both victims and perpetrators, it was especially important to include children in the post-conflict peacebuilding processes.

Identity and Security: PSCs as a Solution and a Dilemma

Liana Small • Dec 20 2011 • Essays

Private security companies and privatizing security can at first seem to offer solutions to maintaining safety and stability when a state is no longer able to do so. However, the interference of PSCs in state functions ultimately can hinder the development and legitimacy of a state and cause further insecurities within.

Ethnic Conflict and R2P

Spencer Baraki • Dec 18 2011 • Essays

We may all agree that there is a moral imperative to halt mass atrocities. The problem is the reconciliation of such an obligation and our entrenched system of anarchy at the international level. Those states that are part of the United Nations should have a responsibility to respect the adoption of R2P principles, notably the moral imperative to halt mass atrocities and punish the perpetrators through the ICC.

The Extraordinary Injustice of McCarthy’s America

Eve Collyer Merritt • Nov 3 2011 •

In the McCarthy era of the 1950s, anti-Communism created an atmosphere of fear which allowed political actors to accrue greater powers over the American population. This unusual situation was permitted as the public were manipulated by people with political interests into believing the USA had entered into a state of emergency in order to safeguard national security.

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