Identity Politics

Compatible? Incompatible? A Theoretical Analysis of Islam and Democracy

J. Paul Barker • Jun 5 2011 •

The question of the compatibility of Islam and democracy has persisted for generations. The recent events of the Middle East, facilitated by these technological advances, have only heightened the talk about the role of democracy in the region.

What does the Mafia success concept teach us?

Marina Popcov • May 30 2011 • Essays

Transnational organized criminal groups were ever since a darling of the sensation seeking media. But since the attacks of 9/11, criminal networks were moved even further into the spotlight, as the sources of income for the historically most deadly and horrific generation of global terrorism.

An Undemocratic Hong Kong?

Charlotte Brandon • May 25 2011 • Essays

Interestingly, Hong Kong already has institutions that underlie democracy but it is still yet to be legitimate. This poses the key question; if Hong Kong has institutions that do to some extent, simulate a democracy, what has prevented full transition for Hong Kong to become a legitimate democracy?

Is the Sudan conflict best understood in terms of race, religion, or regionalism?

Richard J. Vale • May 22 2011 • Essays

Both the enormous diversity within Sudan in combination with the lack of a substantial “Sudanese” identity accounts for the prevalence of conflict. This absence of a widely accepted and omnipresent state identity also explains how identity is formed in relation to hegemony.

The relevance of gender to our understanding of war refugees

Sweta Kannan • May 12 2011 • Essays

Gender is imperative to our understanding of issues surrounding refugees of war. The use of a gender lens to scrutinise the ways in which people are treated demonstrates the embeddedness of deeply held beliefs about men & women and the roles and responsibilities that they should be fulfilling, according to societal norms.

Cultural awareness and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan

Charles R. Lister • Mar 11 2011 • Essays

The current campaign in Afghanistan has lasted for over nine years and the Taliban has grown into a formidable insurgency. This paper explains why a lack of cultural awareness condemns counterinsurgency operations to almost certain defeat, and explores the implications for the campaign in Afghanistan.

What are the consquences of the notion of “Islamist terrorism”?

Harriet Fildes • Mar 3 2011 • Essays

The use of othering discourse and increasing threat levels encourages fear and mass hysteria in Western countries. Preconditioned as we are by Religiophobia, ethnophobia and Islamophobia, the exaggerated threat of Islamic terrorism specifically and religious terrorism generally cannot be negated until dominant stereotypes and representations are subjected to change.

Was nationalism the primary cause of the wars in the former Yugoslavia?

Harry Booty • Feb 28 2011 • Essays

The wars in the former state of Yugoslavia that endured for most of the 1990’s have an established legacy today. They have come to be seen by those in the West as a gritty, difficult and unpleasant series of conflicts, epitomised by horrific brutality perpetrated by ultra-nationalist thugs. Nationalism was a major feature of the wars as they were prosecuted, but not the primary cause of the Yugoslav wars. The answer is less clear-cut than it may seem.

Hamas in Power

Jonno Evans • Feb 10 2011 • Essays

Hamas, ‘Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya’ (The Islamic Resistance Movement), has evolved over time from its humble beginnings as a faction of the Muslim Brotherhood, to an arguably legitimate political body, controlling much of the occupied Palestinian territories. This paper will reflect on the key factors in its development and features of the movement, and will conclude with a discussion of Hamas’ future as both an agent of armed struggle and a legitimate political body.

‘Diaspora’? The Case of the Russians of Central Asia

anon • Feb 2 2011 • Essays

Russians living in Central Asia and Russians returning to the Russian Federation cannot be considered to be diasporas

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