Identity Politics

Around the World in 80 Stereotypes: Images of the MENA Region in Hollywood

Anna Roberts • Sep 21 2021 • Essays

This study of MENA representation in Hollywood (2001-2008) finds foreign-accented English and multilingualism were most often associated with negative motivations.

Beyond the Race-neutrality of Prevent: White Britain and the Racialised Threat

Emily Collins • Sep 20 2021 • Essays

Resisting exclusionary practices of the UK’s counter-terror strategy, Prevent, is key to destabilising its white supremacist state power and racist logics.

My Big Fat Greek Diaspora: Greek-American Diaspora Diplomacy

Maria Ravazoula • Sep 5 2021 • Essays

Even though early attempts largely failed, Greek-Americans approached the US polity to promote the political objectives in a process described 40 years later as diaspora diplomacy.

The Global Gag Rule, US Imperialism and the Governing of Women’s Bodies

Anja Stelzer • Aug 18 2021 • Essays

It is important to focus on how the GGR affects the everyday lived realities of women in the Global South, as the impact goes far beyond their reproductive health.

Language Matters: Analysing the LGBT Rights Dialogue Between Russia and the West

Alex Schellekens • Aug 16 2021 • Essays

An analysis of language and discourse illustrates the role that LGBT identities play in shaping Transatlantic relations.

The NBA and the World’s America

Rishabh Chawda • Aug 1 2021 • Essays

The NBA has hegemonised basketball and latched onto the cultural icons of ‘America’ and the ‘American dream’ to cater to global audiences.

ISIS’ Use of Sexual Violence as a Strategy of Terrorism in Iraq

Beatrice Aubert • Jul 27 2021 • Essays

The case of the Yazidi community provides evidence on how terrorist groups can resort to sexual violence as a strategy of ethnic cleansing.

Ontological Insecurity: A Case Study on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Jerusalem

Elaine Donderer • Jul 23 2021 • Essays

Under ontological security theory, Jerusalem engages in securitization in an effort to protect and solidify Israeli identity, resulting in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Security: The Paris School and Ontological Security

Katharina Langwald • Jul 13 2021 • Essays

Acknowledging the importance of routines for ontological security and considering them as part of the habitus of an actor represents a valuable asset to field of security.

Recreating a Nation’s Identity Through Symbolism: A Chinese Case Study

Ananya Sood • Jul 11 2021 • Essays

Mao’s desire for a cultural change in China was an attempt to retain his power within the Communist Party, but his errors in final years overshadowed his achievements.

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