Identity Politics

Fragmentation, Back Channels, and Hurting Stalemates in the Oslo Accords

Maria Ravazoula • Jul 6 2021 • Essays

Fragmentation during the Intifada demonstrates that while fragmentation is not inherently a positive attribute in civil war, it can be applied in future conflicts.

Identity in International Conflicts: A Case Study of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Yu Yun Tsou • Jul 2 2021 • Essays

Looking at the Cuban Missile Crisis and the role of US and Soviet identity, poststructuralism provides the most compelling account of identity’s role in international conflicts

Canadian Television Sitcom as a Site of Public Pedagogy

Siyin Liang • Jun 7 2021 • Essays

Media has the power to challenge cultural consumers’ assumptions about structural power relations through informal learning.

Exploring Stratification Economics’ Neglect of Intersectionality

Jodie Bradshaw • Jun 2 2021 • Essays

This essay challenges the assumption that identities are fixed, linking gendered and racial binaries to the economic development of Australia with a postcolonial lens.

The Mediator’s Trap: Dayton’s Cultural Negligence for a Culture of Peace

Mauro ter Heyne • May 24 2021 • Essays

Incorporating socio-cultural dimensions is essential to stimulate tacit reconciliation in deep-rooted identity conflicts such as in Bosnia.

Pinkwashing the Occupation: Narratives of Interracial Gay Relations in Israeli Film

Roni Zahavi-Brunner • May 18 2021 • Essays

Palestinian-Israeli gay relations depicted in Israeli cinema serve to pinkwash, or use liberal queer ideology, to diminish the violent occupation of Palestine.

Bargaining for Protection – the Case of Climate Refugees

Zuza Nazaruk • May 18 2021 • Essays

The lack of an international consensus on climate refugees and the power of humanitarian aid determine the status and movement of such refugees across states.

Rojava’s Patriarchal Liberation: Solving the Feminist Anti-Militarism Problem?

Hedda Gudim • May 10 2021 • Essays

Kurdish women and feminism constitute a force of resistance against patriarchy and domination through the conjunction of democratic confederalism and military resistance.

The Mobilisation of Sectarian Identities in the Syrian Civil War

Antonia Robson • May 3 2021 • Essays

The Assad regime’s securitisation and violent crackdowns led to “counter-sectarianisation” in the Sunni opposition, accelerating Syria’s descent into a civil war.

“The Women in White” – Protesting for a Peaceful Political Emancipation in Belarus

Thomas Riedlsperger • Apr 30 2021 • Essays

Newly emergent political norms and identities played a key role in shaping the Belarusian protest movements that surrounded the country’s 2020 presidential election.

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