Identity Politics

Challenging Historical and Contemporary Notions of Blackness in British Writing

Alena Sahota • Dec 31 2020 • Essays

The idea of Blackness has been constantly challenged and revised by Black authors through the presentation of their own life narratives.

Everyday (In)Security: An Autoethnography of Student Life in the UK

anon • Dec 31 2020 • Essays

An undergraduate education has largely ceased to be one of ontological discovery and has instead become a process of enforcing neoliberal logic on students.

Virtual Invasion: ‘Just War’ and Orientalism in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Felix Hulse • Dec 17 2020 • Essays

The latest game in the Call of Duty franchise is shown to rely on Orientalist caricatures, skewed perceptions of violence, and a narrative of ‘Western’ righteousness.

Racial Security: The Unobserved Threat in IR

Carlo Wood • Nov 12 2020 • Essays

The complexities of race have received little engagement in IR and continue to be sifted through white frameworks that create oversimplifications and generalizations.

Re-interpreting Political Spaces through Native American Spatialities

Niranjana Rajesh • Nov 7 2020 • Essays

Conventional methods of cartography perpetuate colonial and neoliberal positions at the cost of a more inclusive mapping system that would adopt indigenous perspectives.

Double Agency? On the Role of LTTE and FARC Female Fighters in War and Peace

Fiona Morrison-Fleming • Nov 1 2020 • Essays

Despite the substantial agency women often hold in rebel militant groups, female combatants’ gendered realities rarely improve.

Pax Kigali: Reconciliation and Peace in Contemporary Rwanda

Reon van der Merwe • Oct 28 2020 • Essays

The ruling RPF party must succeed in forging an inclusive Rwandan identity, beyond the dichotomous genocide narrative, to move from a repressive to sustainable peace.

How MONUSCO Contributed to Constructing the DRC as the ‘Dark Heart’ of Africa

Sofia Romansky • Oct 16 2020 • Essays

The role and scope of MONUSCO forces in the DRC were greatly influenced by Western perceptions of the country as the “dark” heart of Africa.

The Gendered Dimensions of Anti-Nuclear Weapons Policy

Yashna Agarwalla • Sep 28 2020 • Essays

Nuclear disarmament has become a gendered issue, as anti-nuclear movements are associated with peaceful and maternal femininity.

Cosmological Politics: Towards a Planetary Balance of Power for the Anthropocene

Jan-Ole Adolphsen • Sep 23 2020 • Essays

Classic balance of power theory can be adapted to include concepts of cosmological significance and complicate the divide between nature and culture.

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