Identity Politics

Women at War in the Middle East: Gendered Dynamics of ISIS and the Kurdish YPJ

Kristin Thue • Sep 21 2020 • Essays

A gendered lens on women’s participation in the Syrian conflict highlights factors crucial to understanding the full scope of violence in Middle Eastern politics.

On Memes and Men: How Gendered Memes Influenced Trump’s 2016 Election Legitimacy

Sofia Romansky • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

Gendered memes aided Trump’s election by representing him as a hyper-masculine leader, granting him authoritative power and reinforcing his positive political identity.

US Counter-Terrorism and Right-Wing Fundamentalism

James Greenhalgh • Aug 26 2020 • Essays

The US counter-terrorism strategy must include right-wing fundamentalism and not purely focus on Islamic radicalisation.

The Right to Be Here: A Case for the Inclusion of Women in Peace Negotiations

Rosa Rahimi • Aug 12 2020 • Essays

The feminist case for female participation in peace negotiations should be made on grounds that may appear to be deceptively simple.

Accepting the Unacceptable: Christian Churches and the 1994 Rwandan Genocide

Rita Deliperi • Aug 9 2020 • Essays

The role the Christian Church played has come to represent one of heaviest failures of Christian ethics and the institutions that profess and practice its commandments.

The Impotent Man: How Constructed UK/EU Gender Identities Legitimised Brexit

Alice Chancellor • Aug 6 2020 • Essays

The construction of the UK as an impotent man opposed to the EU as a powerful, yet feminine, Other by the Vote Leave Twitter campaign legitimised the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

Understanding Refugees Through ‘Home’ by Warsan Shire

Sanya Chandra • Aug 2 2020 • Essays

Home forces us to contend with a larger problem – exclusion from the circle of grief based on the lack of shared norms of humanity.

Analysing the ‘Special Relationship’ between the US and UK in a Transatlantic Context

Anna Pitts-Tucker • Aug 2 2020 • Essays

The term ‘Special Relationship’ has defined the alliance between the US and UK. Does it dominate all Transatlantic relations or is it contingent on convenience and context?

Commemorating Srebrenica: The “Inadequate” Truth of the Female Victim Experience

Victoria Hospodaryk • Jul 30 2020 • Essays

A meaningful reconciliation for Bosnian Muslim victims is largely contingent on the construction of a “collective memory” of Srebrenica, built on the female narrative.

The Gendered Politics Behind the International Criminal Court

Erla Ylfa Oskarsdottir • Jul 30 2020 • Essays

The ICC’s review of gender-based crimes is fraught with biases, although the ICC has been more willing to punish offenders of mass rapes against the Rohingya in Myanmar.

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