Non-State Actors / IGOs

How Far Does Civil Society Challenge Neopatrimonial Politics in Africa?

Priya Shah • Sep 17 2018 • Essays

The strength of a civil society campaign dictates its efficacy, but only in the face of an unoppressive regime.

Is Automation Liberating? The Flawed Optimism Of Postcapitalist Visions

Thomas Horton • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

Contrary to some arguments, increasing automation in the economy will not necessarily lead to a workless, postcapitalist future that is liberating for all.

Re-Framing Gender Relations in Conflict Settings: UNSCR 1325 in Sierra Leone

Effrosyni Chantzi • Aug 20 2018 • Essays

Despite its operationalization as a National Action Plan, UNSCR 1325 has not yet sufficiently transformed women’s political representation in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

The Persistence of the FARC in Colombia

Bryan Baker • Aug 7 2018 • Essays

The FARC was able to organize, survive government onslaughts, train and recruit soldiers, and fund operations because of the absence of the state from much of the Colombian countryside.

How Do Everyday Objects and Practices Relate to IPE?

Frederico Rafael Silva • Jun 21 2018 • Essays

Studying the aspects of everyday life creates a fresh perspective on IPE that breaks from traditional assumptions about social behavior and interactions.

One for All or All for One? Ideology and Cohesion in the IRA and PIRA

Valeria Scuto • May 30 2018 • Essays

Is there a relationship between ideology and insurgent cohesion? The cases of the IRA and PIRA, the Provisional Irish Republican Army, provides an interesting insight.

Overcoming Internal Resistance Within the Military Command Structure

Gaurav Rana • May 28 2018 • Essays

Successful military commanders recognize the internal resistance human interaction creates and overcome said resistance by identifying personal strengths and weaknesses.

Oppressing Islamists and Domestic Insecurity in Egypt and Tajikistan

Elizabete Aunina • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

Is the oppression of Islamists a mobilizing factor for mass mobilization against the state? The case studies of Egypt and Tajikistan provide interesting insights.

Terrorists or Freedom Fighters: A Case Study of ETA

anon • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

The ETA’s armed struggle was a necessary component of retaliating against the Spanish government’s Basque oppression, and therefore, they are freedom fighters.

“The Turn of the Screw”: The Impact of Globalisation on Global Governance

Victoria Garrad • Apr 14 2018 • Essays

Globalisation has strained the present system of global governance due to the influence of emerging economic powers and a deficit in legitimacy.

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