Non-State Actors / IGOs

Should the UN be reformed. How?

Nicola-Ann Hardwick • Mar 22 2011 • Essays

Reform of the United Nations is a much debated subject constantly on the UN agenda. This essay argues that UN reform is necessary in order to strengthen the UN’s effectiveness as a multilateral organization, bring more transparency to the institution and enhance its credibility.

The Reality of US-UN Relations

Zaara Zain Hussain • Mar 19 2011 • Essays

Great powers rarely make great multilateralists. The United Nations owes a lot of what it is today to the United States. It was the US that breathed life into the UN with its power and resources. Despite being one of the biggest advocates for the UN, why has the US been ambivalent towards it?

EU-ACP Trade Relations, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Marvin Spence • Mar 11 2011 • Essays

The countries of the Caribbean have benefited from a series of preferential trade agreements with the EU. This paper will examine EU trade relations with its former colonies, from the policy of Association to the Cotonou Agreement.

EU-Russia Energy Relations: Lack of Unity in the Union

Silvia Caneva • Mar 7 2011 • Essays

Since the 1990s, the European Union has achieved various successes. A key example is the enlargement to include a large number of Central and Eastern European countries. During this time, the EU has also experienced some failures, such as in the case of energy relations with Russia.

Why is the Maastricht Treaty considered to be so significant?

Andrei Rogobete • Feb 26 2011 • Essays

The Treaty of Maastricht elaborated and implemented concepts discussed in the previous Single European Act of 1986. It also established the European Monetary Union (EMU) and the Treaty on European Union (TEU) which lead to the construction of the main pillars of the European Union and the introduction of the single currency.

What are the main developments contained within the Treaty of Lisbon?

Dumitrache Andrei • Feb 16 2011 • Essays

The year 2005 has meant a rejection of a viable constitutional project for the European Union. After a reconsideration and political stylization of the Constitutional Treaty, the Treaty of Lisbon was put together and signed by all of the 27 member states on the 13th of December 2007. What developments did it contain?

Is the United Nations Relevant?

Monika Milinauskyte • Feb 11 2011 • Essays

This paper argues that despite its flaws in the political domain and the weaknesses of the Security Council, the UN’s role in sustaining the economic and social development and addressing global issues such as hunger has been exceptionally strong. It is inadequate to focus on the UN’s political realm only and dismiss the other substantive areas of its work such as sustainable development.

World Trade Politics: Power, principles, and leadership

Ruchi Hajela • Jan 27 2011 • Articles

In World Trade Politics, Deese concludes that leadership demonstrated by individuals/officials (not states) in the form of providing direction, initiating issues, building consensus or awareness around them during multilateral trade negotiations is central to reaching agreements between members and advancing the GATT/WTO trade regime

Amazon Battle: Is hydropower the new Kobayashi Maru?

Olimar E. Maisonet-Guzman • Dec 17 2010 • Essays

The Belo Monte and the Madeira Dams have been subjected to criticism due to their negative impacts on indigenous populations of the Xingu and Madeira River. Besides threatening the livelihood of indigenous communities, the projects also have significant negative impacts on the environment. This nevertheless remains a popular option among policy-makers.

Is it possible to democratise the European Union?

James Sloan • Nov 26 2010 • Essays

Certain dates in European history are taken to be the significant historical events which changed the course of the continent forever. 1648, and the Treaties of Westphalia; 1815, the Concert of Europe; 1945 the end of the Second World War and 1989, the fall of Communism – these are the events that are attributed to the makeup of modern Europe. But what of the years 1957, 1992, and 2009?

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