Non-State Actors / IGOs

Global Covid-19 Responses Through a Critical Security Studies Perspective

Lachlan Abbott • Jan 20 2021 • Essays

The current COVID-19 response is dominated by traditional security notions of state-centrality which fail to understand the broad implications of the pandemic.

Ripening Conflict in Civil Society Backchannels: The Malian Peace Process (1990–1997)

Nicolas Verbeek • Jan 15 2021 • Essays

The successful resolution of ethnic conflict in Mali illustrates the role that civil society can play in creating mutually beneficial negotiations between armed groups.

Women, Peace and… Continued Militarism? Revisiting UNSCR 1325 and Its African Roots

Nico Edwards • Jan 12 2021 • Essays

Women play a valuable role in peacekeeping in African contexts. However, their participation in stereotypically gendered peace processes and structures is not enough.

Hungary’s Democratic Backsliding as a Threat to EU Normative Power

Dalya Soffer • Jan 12 2021 • Essays

There is a significant mismatch between Hungary’s government and the core democratic values of the EU, which poses a considerable threat to the EU’s normative power.

Local Peace Aspirations and International Perceptions of Peacebuilding in Somalia

Nicolas Verbeek • Dec 6 2020 • Essays

The UN should promote a hybrid state order in Somalia, combining a limited central state with existing local governance initiatives, instead of a liberal state model.

Greening the Seas: The Role of Business Conflict in Tightening the IMO Sulphur Cap

Andrea Aakre • Nov 24 2020 • Essays

The ability of the International Maritime Organisation to regulate shipping must be evaluated in the context of each specific issue area, and the interests that prevail here.

How Successful Has the UN Been in Maintaining International Peace and Security?

Anette Sonnback • Nov 8 2020 • Essays

While there has been criticism of UN attempts to maintain peace, the organisation has been particularly successful in creating international norms.

The State of and Prospects for Space Governance: A Critical Deliberation

Finn Robinsen • Oct 26 2020 • Essays

Great Powers have actively exploited the stagnation of multilateral governance mechanisms to unilaterally shape the norms and rules of space activities.

Incumbents vs Insurgents: Counter Insurgency’s Normative Reliance on Brute Force

Bethany Castle • Oct 20 2020 • Essays

Critical terrorism scholarship is overturning the notion that brute government force is the only effective method of counterinsurgency.

How the Securitisation of Sexual Violence in Conflict Fails Us

Michelle Dyonisius • Oct 19 2020 • Essays

The securitisation of sexual violence in conflict reproduces a gendered and colonial conception of war that has concrete consequences on how the matter is addressed.

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