
Did the Founding Fathers Fail to Consider the Process of Policy Implementation?

Peter Reakes • Jul 21 2015 • Essays

The Constitution of the Founding Fathers does not neglect the implementation of policy as its flexible nature allows governmental power to be sufficiently restrained.

Is Recent Asylum Migration Threatening Europe?

Assunta Soldovieri • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

Asylum seekers in the collective unconscious are perceived as a threat as numerous social and political platforms may push nationalist and sometimes, racist sentiments.

Neo-realism and Structural Liberalism: Can Anarchy Really Be Transcended?

Victoria Fajemilehin • Jul 20 2015 • Essays

With force employed as primary resort in international politics, how does the structural liberal argument of overcoming anarchy apply?

The Spratly Islands Dispute – A Discourse Analysis

Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

A constructivist approach through discourse analysis as described by Lene Hansen highlights essential and previously neglected dynamics of the Spratly Islands dispute.

A Public Reason Defence of Same-Sex Marriage

Gah-Kai Leung • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

Accounts of gay marriage that appeal to nonpublic reasons (and therefore are of the perfectionist kind) should not be pursued.

The Implications of State Failure on Security

Rachael Aldridge • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

The notion of ‘state failure’ is analytically valid, yet empirically the concept has become an imperfect tool of global governance.

Why Poststructuralism Is Central to the Study of International Relations

Victoria Marcia Pereira-Ayuso • Jul 19 2015 • Essays

The manifold and multiplex essence attached to reality calls for an anti-foundational analysis of the “truths” upheld in international theory.

The Doha Development Round and Challenges to Multilateral Trade Negotiations

Terence Fernandes • Jul 13 2015 • Essays

While some view the Bali Package as a much needed life-line for the WTO, critics note that the agreement papers over the tough issues that the WTO will face later on.

The Politics of Postwar Reconstruction as the Discursive International Ordering

João Terrenas • Jul 13 2015 • Essays

The ontological shift in policy configuration mirrors the adaptive character of the liberal order and its ability to expand its domination over individual.

Explaining South Korean Policy Toward the United States, 1987-2014

Joshua Hyung Joon Byun • Jul 12 2015 • Essays

Despite elements of disagreement in its policy outlook, Seoul has been eager to remain a valuable and contributing member in the US-led regional and global architecture.

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