
Evaluation of Chabal and Daloz’s Africa Works, with Reference to Burkina Faso

Flora Barrett • Jul 12 2015 • Essays

Chabal and Daloz argue that neopatrimonialism is central to African politics, the political culture of Africa being inherently different to that of the Western states.

Jimmy Carter, Human Rights and the Cold War

Hanne van Brienen • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

Carter’s focus on the Cold War and Containment meant that his human rights ideals could never be achieved due to the importance he placed on repelling Soviet influence.

Do Colonial Attitudes Influence the Media’s Response to Humanitarian Crises?

Callum Martin • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

The media’s overwhelming focus on negative events in the South maintains the colonial binaries of our civilisation and their backwardness.

The Responsibility to Protect and the Importance of International Consensus

Torgeir Pande Braathen • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

A constructive debate between the proponents and the sceptics of R2P will lead to establishing a greater consensus around the concept.

The Reagan Administration’s Strategic Defense Initiative during the Cold War

Ramin Karbasi • Jul 7 2015 • Essays

The decision to pursue the protracted, costly, and dubious SDI, the technology for which was not fully understood by US leadership, was ineffective and ultimately unwise.

On the Possibility of Nuclear Disarmament

Sam Ling Gibson • Jul 7 2015 • Essays

While nuclear disarmament is a technical possibility, the deterrence logic behind such weapons makes their relinquishment a near impossibility.

Are Natural Resources More of a Curse than a Blessing?

Lewis Stott • Jul 3 2015 • Essays

There is no escaping the correlation between resource abundance and poor economic performance. The resource curse is political and brought on by poor policy decisions.

Heroic Narratives Surrounding Humanitarian Intervention

Annelie Wambeek • Jun 29 2015 • Essays

Heroic narratives, through their use of language in particular, intentionally obscure the resort to force that is used during humanitarian military interventions.

Was British Decolonization after 1945 a Voluntary Process?

Jonjo Robb • Jun 22 2015 • Essays

Britain often had little choice but to concede that the constitutional independence of its dependencies was inescapable.

Ukraine Conflict: The Final Push For Peace

Peter J. Marzalik • Jun 17 2015 • Essays

The Minsk Protocols have gradually paved the road toward peace, but serious problems remain both in the formulation and implementation of the agreement.

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