
Was the British Government’s Handling of the 1984/5 Miners’ Strike “Brilliant”?

Fflur Elin • Apr 15 2015 • Essays

The British government’s handling of the 1984/5 miners’ strike was ‘brilliant’ as they achieved victory but also achieved a political goal by weakening the trade unions

Australia’s Foreign Policy Approach on Climate Change: Leader or Laggard?

Elizabeth Feeney • Apr 15 2015 • Essays

Australia’s engagement with the international climate change regime highlights complex dilemmas embedded within the very nature of the issue itself.

Conceptualizing Security: The Strategic Practice of Security

George May • Apr 9 2015 • Essays

Security ought to be conceptualized as a strategic practice comprising both (1) the practices used to securitize an issue and (2) the practices used to address it.

Japanese Imperialism as a Self Defence Mechanism

Mathew Bonnon • Apr 9 2015 • Essays

Nationalism and a fear of foreign domination led Japan to pursue domestic and external reform, shun traditional Sino-centrism, and build a European-style empire in Asia.

Root Causes of Violence in Post-Civil War Guatemala: A Literature Review

Duilia Mora Turner • Apr 8 2015 • Essays

This area needs continued research to advise policy makers on how to correct and prevent further deterioration of Guatemala’s security sector.

Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe: Present Dilemmas of the Communist Past

Brianna Brown • Apr 8 2015 • Essays

While there were legitimate moral reasons for pursuing lustration, political factors established lustration as the dominant framework for transitional justice.

A Critical Review of Lisa McGirr’s The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti

Sass Rogando Sasot • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

McGirr has not fully overcome the romance of domination and resistance, but by taking a transnational approach demonstrates the global significance of Sacco and Vanzetti.

Interpreting the Rise of China: Realist and Liberalist Perspectives

Nabil Hudda • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

Neither Realism nor Liberalism provide a comprehensive explanation of the rise of China; only a synthesis of the two paradigms can be sufficient.

Ethiopia: Land for Sale?

Devon Matthews • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The foreign investor gains land ownership to produce and export food and biofuels while Ethiopia gains foreign capital necessary to boost its fragile economy.

The Islamic State: More than a Terrorist Group?

Felipe Umaña • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The Islamic State (IS) is a hybrid organization which has characteristics of various non-state actors and has signs of a nascent de facto state.

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