
United Nations Personnel in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Adam Moscoe • Feb 16 2015 • Essays

New guidelines for determining the applicability of international humanitarian law to United Nations peace operations are both necessary and urgent.

Rhetoric of Responsibility: R2P’s Harmful Application in Humanitarian Practice

Rachel Hao • Feb 15 2015 • Essays

From a well-meaning attempt at humanitarian action following the crises of the 1990s, the Responsibility to Protect has nevertheless become a vehicle for self-interest.

Logged In: Transforming the Political Process in Russia

Ivan Bakalov • Feb 13 2015 • Essays

The Internet has had a positive impact on the provision of the normative good of democratic self-determination and participation in the Russian Federation.

The Main Factors Limiting the Ability of the U.S. to Control World Politics

Haoyu Zhai • Feb 12 2015 • Essays

Increasing economic interdependence between states and the emerging multipolar world order limit the United States in world politics.

Foreign Policy, the State, International Public Opinion and the Media

James Flint • Feb 12 2015 • Essays

The news media has significant power as an intermediary between a state’s foreign policy apparatus and a state’s polis.

Assessing the British Counter-Insurgency Effort in Malaya

James Flint • Feb 11 2015 • Essays

Attempts to compare Malaya with other counterinsurgency campaigns such as the Vietnam War or Afghanistan War are limited in value and risk dangerous over-simplifications

Has the EU become an Effective Crisis Manager?

Ralph Rogobete • Feb 9 2015 • Essays

The Central Security and Defence Policy attempted to centralise the decision-making process on foreign policy for E.U. members, but a more unified Union is essential.

Dominant Gender Discourses and the Framing of Female Rebels in Syria

Stina Wassén • Feb 8 2015 • Essays

The gendered framing of female Syrian rebels, prevalent in media sources, de-legitimises the political reasoning behind their individual decisions to be involved.

Analysing NATO’s Role in Afghanistan

Jonjo Robb • Feb 8 2015 • Essays

Throughout its endeavour, NATO has faced many key challenges in its crisis management operation in Afghanistan.

Simone De Beauvoir’s Feminist Ideals Regarding Prostitution

Elizabeth Feeney • Feb 6 2015 • Essays

De Beauvoir’s feminist approach to prostitution reveals prostitution is ethically acceptable if those involved are willingly and have the same rights as other workers.

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