
A Critical Review of Lisa McGirr’s The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti

Sass Rogando Sasot • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

McGirr has not fully overcome the romance of domination and resistance, but by taking a transnational approach demonstrates the global significance of Sacco and Vanzetti.

Interpreting the Rise of China: Realist and Liberalist Perspectives

Nabil Hudda • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

Neither Realism nor Liberalism provide a comprehensive explanation of the rise of China; only a synthesis of the two paradigms can be sufficient.

Ethiopia: Land for Sale?

Devon Matthews • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The foreign investor gains land ownership to produce and export food and biofuels while Ethiopia gains foreign capital necessary to boost its fragile economy.

The Islamic State: More than a Terrorist Group?

Felipe Umaña • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The Islamic State (IS) is a hybrid organization which has characteristics of various non-state actors and has signs of a nascent de facto state.

The Situatedness of Social Practices and the Writing of Violence in IR

João Terrenas • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

Asking what is the nature of the IR field amounts to questioning what IR is for and leads subsequently to exploring what is at stake in the social practices.

The Origins of the Iraq War of 2003 from an International Historical Approach

James Chisem • Mar 31 2015 • Essays

Adopting an international historical approach to the origins of the 2003 Iraq War, as opposed to an IR theory approach, presents both challenges and opportunities.

Open Your Eyes: Globalization and the Politics of Attention

Izadora Zubek • Mar 29 2015 • Essays

Attention, action, and mobilization are needed for citizens to be more responsive to global injustices and thus responsible for a more inclusive world.

It’s a Man’s World: The Effect of Traditional Masculinity on Gender Equality

Aydon Edwards • Mar 29 2015 • Essays

By encouraging males to become more open and discuss their masculinities, it is possible to educate them on how their social roles and responsibilities impact women.

Universal Security/Emancipation: A Critique of Ken Booth

Sergen Bahceci • Mar 23 2015 • Essays

Booth argues a simple understanding of security and power and the emancipation that he defends contains the possibility of starting the violence it seeks to eliminate.

What Is ‘Neoliberalism’, and How Does It Relate to Globalization?

Vilde Skorpen Wikan • Mar 21 2015 • Essays

Globalization and neoliberal economic policy must be considered separately, for there is neither evidence of their correlation nor of a global transition to the latter.

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