
Walter Mondale and the Recalibration of the Vice Presidency

Haley O'Shaughnessy • Sep 20 2014 • Essays

Mondale generated a new institutional model for the vice presidency, which expanded and strengthened the role, while leaving it accountable to the President.

Is Pacific Asia Returning to Sinocentrism?

Bard Nikolas Vik Steen • Sep 14 2014 • Essays

Although Pacific Asia seems to be progressing toward Sinocentrism, it is unlikely to return to such a state.

Neoliberal Globalisation and the “Arab Spring”; One Facet of a Global Movement?

Jethro Norman • Sep 11 2014 • Essays

The movements of 2011 were motivated by multiple grievances, but the common underlying factors were socioeconomic grievances and a rejection of the neoliberal program.

Food Insecurity and Unrest in the Arab Spring

Thomas Tree • Sep 7 2014 • Essays

Rapidly rising international food prices caused the urban middle class to experience acute food insecurity, which is linked to the unrest resulting in the Arab Spring.

Are Economic Sanctions a Viable Strategy for Coercing Another State?

Jon Regnart • Sep 6 2014 • Essays

Economic sanctions fail in most of their major ambitions, and their ethical justifications are based on a distorted form of consequentialist ethics.

The Iranian Nuclear programme: Impact on Regional Stability and Security

Umair Jamal • Sep 4 2014 • Essays

Deterrence theory is not compelling when applied to Iran and the Middle East: an Iranian nuclear weapon would destabilize the region and lead to proliferation and war.

Marine Le Pen and the Populist Radical Right

Matthew Broadbent • Aug 26 2014 • Essays

Le Pen has effectively established an unbreakable rapport with her electorate to evolve a radical-right party on the fringes into a mainstream electoral menace.

The Construction of Immigration in Italian Media

Giulia Matassa • Aug 25 2014 • Essays

The framing of immigration in Italian media takes a security, military or economic shape. This problematically ‘others’ & delegitimises those immigrants.

In What Ways Can Neo-liberalism Be Classified as Utopian Politics?

Min Goo Lee • Aug 25 2014 • Essays

Neo-liberalism in the self-proclaimed guise of an eutopia allows violence against other utopias, thus validating the very concerns espoused by classical liberal scholars.

Security: An Essentially Contested Concept?

John de Bhal • Aug 24 2014 • Essays

Security is best seen as an ‘essentially contested concept’ because a universalised, fixed, and static definition is inconsistent with how its meaning changes in context.

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