
Accounting for the Failure of Russia to Consolidate Democracy

Joshua Gray • Dec 15 2014 • Essays

The lack of democratic consensus amongst the political elite is primarily responsible for the democratic impasse in Russia under the leadership of Putin.

Barack Obama: How an ‘Unknown’ Senator Became President of the USA

Robert McGuigan Burns • Dec 12 2014 • Essays

In 2004, few Americans had ever heard of Obama, let alone considered voting for him. Yet, within four years he had been elected president.

What Would a Fair Immigration Policy Look Like?

Jake Brown • Dec 3 2014 • Essays

If one denies the right to enter, so too they deny the right to leave; a fair immigration policy is one which employs open borders and relaxed restrictions.

Demographics, Perceptions & the Weakening Securitisation of the US-Mexico Border

Matthew Fowle • Nov 28 2014 • Essays

In recent years, American audiences have grown sceptical on the securitisation of the US-Mexico border, and indeed, the broader discourse on immigration and security.

Strategic Offensive Weapons and the International System

Davis Florick • Nov 26 2014 • Essays

Globalization has reduced the importance of space in geopolitics, but Iraq, Iran and North Korea have developed capabilities to increase the value of space.

The Impacts of Rising China on Global Economic Governance

Jiun Da Lin • Nov 25 2014 • Essays

Though currently harmonised, China’s preferences as a rising economic power have become an important determinant of global economic governance.

Local Governance and the “Arab Spring”: A Guide to Libya’s Political Transition

Nick Zukowski • Nov 24 2014 • Essays

Assessing the extent and characteristics of the impact of the “Arab Spring” on the political trajectory of Libya has proven a difficult task.

Short-Term Volunteering and Local Development Projects in Developing Countries

Charlotte Lecomte • Nov 22 2014 • Essays

While an important source of aid in achieving local development, short-term volunteering is more suited to the volunteer than to the host community.

The Asian Development State: An Evaluation

Jessica Tselepy • Nov 22 2014 • Essays

The Asian Development State emerged after WWII as an alternative and effective model of economic development when compared to the dominant US model.

Presidential War Powers in Vietnam

Haley O'Shaughnessy • Nov 19 2014 • Essays

With Johnson’s executive mandate for war and Nixon’s justification of executive authority, the Vietnam War set a dangerous precedent for presidential war powers.

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