
Shared Concerns with Opposite Outcomes: Myanmar and DPRK on China’s Border

Curtis Bram • Nov 19 2014 • Essays

The shared threat of China provides an interesting and underutilized way to examine the strategic decision to pursue reform or retrenchment in North Korea and Myanmar.

The Challenges of British Counterinsurgency in Helmand – Why did it go so Wrong?

Joshua Gray • Nov 17 2014 • Essays

Britain exhibited a lack of adhesion to the rules and maxims posited by classical COIN theory and subsequently faced many challenges.

Does Gender Shape the War System and Vice Versa?

Ibtisam Ahmed • Nov 16 2014 • Essays

Contemporary perceptions of combatants underline how the masculine–aggressive and feminine–passive nexus still lies at the heart of gender and the war system.

To What Extent is the EU a Power In and Through Trade?

Sebastian Mang • Nov 16 2014 • Essays

Although the EU is a major civilian and normative power in and through trade, it is conflicted within and faces external challenges from an increasingly multipolar world.

Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon: Gendering Violence through Johan Galtung  

Ellie Swingewood • Nov 10 2014 • Essays

By utilising gender as a key conceptual tool of analysis, different dimensions of the impact of the Syrian conflict on displaced populations can be examined.

Evaluate the Role of Utopian Thinking in Green Political Thought

Lucile Cremier • Nov 10 2014 • Essays

As a mode of thinking, ‘Utopia’ is a crucial part of Green political thought and a mark of its distinctiveness.

How Have Austerity Measures Undermined Peruvian Women’s Reproductive Rights?

Sophia Gore • Nov 10 2014 • Essays

Under the guise of women’s ‘empowerment’ and and ‘rights to ones own body,’ Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori disguised the economic ideology of the regime.

Popular Culture & the Representation of Women’s ‘Agency’ During Indian Partition

Arpita Roy • Nov 5 2014 • Essays

From popular culture in India, we can identify examples of the strategic deployment of women’s agency. Discussions of agency are necessary for feminist resistance.

Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy Trends and Interactions with Native Americans

Seth Hopkins • Oct 31 2014 • Essays

Certain trends in American foreign policy can be better understood when seen as framed by the context of interactions with Native Americans

Balancing the Rights of Sovereign States With Those of Secessionist Movements

Matthew Richmond • Oct 26 2014 • Essays

For secession, the balance of rights, despite a shift towards a more ‘liberal’ international law in recent years, should remain in the favour of (just) sovereign states.

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