
The Iranian Nuclear programme: Impact on Regional Stability and Security

Umair Jamal • Sep 4 2014 • Essays

Deterrence theory is not compelling when applied to Iran and the Middle East: an Iranian nuclear weapon would destabilize the region and lead to proliferation and war.

Marine Le Pen and the Populist Radical Right

Matthew Broadbent • Aug 26 2014 • Essays

Le Pen has effectively established an unbreakable rapport with her electorate to evolve a radical-right party on the fringes into a mainstream electoral menace.

The Construction of Immigration in Italian Media

Giulia Matassa • Aug 25 2014 • Essays

The framing of immigration in Italian media takes a security, military or economic shape. This problematically ‘others’ & delegitimises those immigrants.

In What Ways Can Neo-liberalism Be Classified as Utopian Politics?

Min Goo Lee • Aug 25 2014 • Essays

Neo-liberalism in the self-proclaimed guise of an eutopia allows violence against other utopias, thus validating the very concerns espoused by classical liberal scholars.

Security: An Essentially Contested Concept?

John de Bhal • Aug 24 2014 • Essays

Security is best seen as an ‘essentially contested concept’ because a universalised, fixed, and static definition is inconsistent with how its meaning changes in context.

Why the Military Did Not Take Over: Understanding Pakistan’s Democratic Path

Sridevi Nambiar • Aug 22 2014 • Essays

Continued democracy in Pakistan is a consequence of the military deciding not to intervene, as they believe they can wield power over the weak civilian government.

A Critical Assessment of the Application of Responsibility to Protect in Libya

Jay Crush • Aug 22 2014 • Essays

The application of Responsibility to Protect in Libya was a success in that it mobilised the UNSC to act decisively with remarkable speed and fully in accordance with R2P

‘Material Breach’: A Valid Justification for Military Intervention in Iraq?

Bhavita Rajguru • Aug 21 2014 • Essays

The concept of ‘material breach’ was used as a political tool to justify military action in Iraq in 2003 by the U.S. and U.K., as opposed to a legal justification.

Does the State Always Precede the Nation in the Middle East & North Africa?

Julian Modiano • Aug 14 2014 • Essays

Taking Turkey and Egypt as two conflicting examples, the issue of whether the state precedes the nation is illuminated in its multi-varied and complex nature.

Does Realism Best Explain Intelligence Cooperation Between States?

Marcus Wethered • Aug 8 2014 • Essays

Scholars should combine Realism with Liberal-Institutionalist and Constructivist theories in order to best explain the reasons why states cooperate over intelligence.

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