
Critical Approaches to the Functions of International Institutions

Ben Holihead • Jun 13 2014 • Essays

Critical approaches can not only identify the flaws of neoliberalism but also possible contradictions between neoliberalism as a concept and how institutions perceive it.

Snowden on Screen at SXSW: Visual Irruptions of State Self-Image

Robert Ralston • Jun 12 2014 • Essays

The Snowden leaks and their framing reveal how aesthetic irruptions can destabilize the self-image and ultimately the ontological security of the state.

The Pursuit of Strategic Stability: An OSCE-like Infrastructure For South Asia

Davis Florick • Jun 10 2014 • Essays

Modeling a multinational organization on the example of the OSCE is an ideal method for achieving improved regional security for the states in South Asia.

The Legal and Social Condition of the Enslaved Population in Classical Athens

Jesús David Quintero Aleans • Jun 8 2014 • Essays

The normative principles of the Athenian urban constituency may have contained and funnelled the commercial, financial, and collective activities of the enslaved sectors.

Should we Rebuild ‘Failed States’ or ‘Let Them Fail’?

Michael Williams • Jun 8 2014 • Essays

The practice of rebuilding ‘failed’ or ‘failing’ states is ethically problematic. It overlooks human security and is too focused on Western institutional standards.

What are the Challenges Facing Global Energy Governance?

Sebastian Mang • Jun 7 2014 • Essays

While global energy governance is fragmented, the international community is striving for more cooperation with emerging consumer economies and producing economies.

The 1948 Genocide Convention as an ‘Increasingly Meaningless Document’?

Fleur Verbiest • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

The legal success of the Genocide Convention continues to re-establish the norm politically, albeit under misinterpretation and without effect of prevention.

The Impact of ‘Globalisation’ on the Arab Revolts

Nick Newsom • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

Globalisation not only exacerbated the structural conditions that elicited the Arab revolt, but allowed for local and global actors to shape the form of this resistance.

Questions of Gender and International Relations

Therese Etten • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

Conventional theories of IR have not taken gender into account. This is in part due to a state-centric focus and an exclusive conception of gender in the field.

The Domestic and Ideational Sources of the European Defence Community’s Defeat

Ibrahim Gabr • Jun 4 2014 • Essays

Rather than a realist explanation for France’s defeat of its own EDC proposal, we must delve into the constructivist realm of identity and historical determinism.

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