
The African Union: Organization of African Unity 2.0 or Regional Renaissance?

Thaddeus C.B. Jahn • May 23 2014 • Essays

While the AU has done much to remedy the weaknesses of the OAU, there remains a long path to successful integration, peace and security, and tangible economic benefits.

Indian-occupied Kashmir?

Sahil Mathur • May 20 2014 • Essays

In order for the Indian Army to be held accountable for its actions in Kashmir, the people of India must be aware of and sensitised to the human rights abuses committed.

Signaling and the Olympics  

Jacqueline Malzone • May 16 2014 • Essays

Though impartiality is the goal of Olympism, history has shown us that international conflicts and politics are not put on hold for the Modern Olympic Games.

Sino-US Contestation over Regional Hegemony in the Asia-Pacific

Raphael Kunz • May 15 2014 • Essays

Although a hegemonic transition remains unlikely within the next two decades, the Asia-Pacific will be a region of Sino-U.S. power competition and increasing instability.

The Effectiveness of Soft & Hard Power in Contemporary International Relations

Jan-Philipp N E Wagner • May 14 2014 • Essays

‘Hard’ & ‘soft’ power are competing approaches to power in IR. Soft power is increasingly effective & hard power less so; ‘smart power’ offers a promising third strategy.

National Security and the Threat of Climate Change

Toby Fenton • May 14 2014 • Essays

Though national security frameworks may hinder pragmatic cooperation, securitising climate change is advantageous in planning for a clear and increasingly present danger.

Is the Threat of Al-Qaeda Over for Europe?

Conor Heffernan • May 14 2014 • Essays

While the supposed decline of Al-Qaeda has been discussed for many years, Al-Qaeda is not only still relevant, but also still a threat to Europe.

Explaining Yugoslavia’s Turn to Non-Alignment

Matt Finucane • May 13 2014 • Essays

While an instinct for survival dictated the turn to neutralism, it was Yugoslav ideology and unparalleled experience of global affairs that turned them to nonalignment.

The Unipolar Moment Continues

Lisa Holz • May 8 2014 • Essays

The United States continues to hold over-whelming dominance in all the elements that define a ‘pole’. The ‘unipolar moment’ is what the United States makes of it.

Negotiating the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Lessons Learnt

Lisa Farrah Ho • May 7 2014 • Essays

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is a model for future disarmament negotiations due to its patience and focus on humanitarianism and broad engagement.

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