
Using English School Theory to Determine Legitimate Humanitarian Intervention

Rohan Dhaliwal • Apr 24 2014 • Essays

Though it provides a solid basis for determining the legitimacy of humanitarian intervention in theory, the English School encounters certain challenges in practice.

How International Is International Criminal Justice?

Maja Davidovic • Apr 22 2014 • Essays

US reluctance to cooperate with the International Criminal Court, aside from selective cases, undermines efforts to build the organization’s legitimacy.

The Syrian Uprising and Social Movements Theory

Sindre Gade Viksand • Apr 17 2014 • Essays

Syria’s strong patrimonial military has no incentives to break with the regime. Until such incentives exist, the uprisings will probably fail.

Ethnic Reintegration in Post-Conflict Development Strategies

Daria Jarczewska • Apr 16 2014 • Essays

Encouraging apolitical activities focused around the common concerns of communities holds great potential to foster reconciliation in post-atrocity contexts.

Contemporary Boundaries in the Middle East

Iliasse Sdiqui • Apr 16 2014 • Essays

To ignore the internal dynamics that determined the political boundaries of the Middle East is to overlook the region’s power to shape policy.

US Policy in China Leading Up to the Boxer Rebellion

Matt Finucane • Apr 14 2014 • Essays

The impulse that drove America to look to China was brought about by harsh economic realities, and ideological considerations would consistently take second place.

Consolidating New Forms of Citizenship in Turkey

Berkin Safak Sener • Apr 13 2014 • Essays

A religion-based, Ottomanistic definition of Turkish identity not only challenges the Kemalist roots of the state but also contributes to a postmodernisation of them.

Crouching Dragon, Ambling Elephant, and the Hawkish Eagle

Divya Srikanth • Apr 12 2014 • Essays

The US strategic “pivot” to India can be a source of stability to India-China relations, depending on how India’s foreign policy balances both US and China.

Can a Nuclear Iran be Considered a Threat to Regional and Global Security?

Charlotte Love • Apr 12 2014 • Essays

A nuclear and emboldened Iran engaging in small conflicts presents an acute threat to security because the threat of inadvertent escalation is so dangerous.

Have International Interventions Reinforced Ethnic Identities and Divisions?

Caoimhe Udom • Apr 11 2014 • Essays

Often, though not always, the intervening state strengthens ethnic identities, thereby exacerbating ethnic divisions, in its quest to further its own interests.

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