
The “Racialized” Construction of the Colombian Nation

Jesús David Quintero Aleans • Mar 13 2014 • Essays

The criollo elites in New Grenada crafted a complicated and sometimes contradictory ideological endeavor to organize the peoples and territories they aspired to rule.

Capitalism & Insecurity: How Promoting Western Values Fails to Create Peace

Rusu Mihai Alin • Mar 13 2014 • Essays

The spread of capitalism in globalisation does not spread nor create peace, but rather, creates the conditions in which conflicts, exploitation and insecurities arise.

Bull’s Critique of Hobbesian International Anarchy

Sarah Wallace • Mar 11 2014 • Essays

Hedley Bull’s critique and utilisation of Hobbes’ theory of international anarchy provides a coherent and realistic explanation of the international system.

Why is Controlling the Spread of Nuclear Weapons So Difficult?

Matt Finucane • Mar 8 2014 • Essays

Controlling the spread of nuclear weapons remains an impossibility, for as history has shown, more often than not those states which desire them will achieve them.

The Fracturing of the Syrian Resistance Coalition and the Tripolar Civil War

David Reas • Mar 7 2014 • Essays

The transformation of the Syrian Civil War from a bipolar to a tripolar conflict came from incompatible visions of Syria’s future within the Syrian Resistance Coalition.

Assessing How Far Democracy in South Africa is Liberal or Illiberal

Bryant Edward Harden • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Despite facing problems with development and achieving the high standards prescribed its constitution, South Africa still has the attributes of a liberal democracy.

The International System as Social Construct

Tim Pfefferle • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

In contrast to Neorealist framings, there are clear indications that intersubjective meanings and social identities shape the international system in multiple ways.

John Mearsheimer’s Theory of Offensive Realism and the Rise of China

Sverrir Steinsson • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Lacking internal coherence, Mearsheimer’s theory ultimately fails to provide a logically consistent basis for the view that China’s rise will be unpeaceful.

A Critical Evaluation of the Intelligence Oversight Regime in Botswana

Lesego Tsholofelo • Mar 3 2014 • Essays

The Botswana intelligence oversight regime falls short of addressing the conflicting needs of secrecy and democratic imperatives of transparency and accountability.

Performative Violence: Conceptual and Strategic Implications

Yvonne Manzi • Feb 28 2014 • Essays

The causes and effects of performative violence are linked, and include intimidation, social and material control, social cohesion and communication, and structural violence.

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