
Assessing How Far Democracy in South Africa is Liberal or Illiberal

Bryant Edward Harden • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Despite facing problems with development and achieving the high standards prescribed its constitution, South Africa still has the attributes of a liberal democracy.

The International System as Social Construct

Tim Pfefferle • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

In contrast to Neorealist framings, there are clear indications that intersubjective meanings and social identities shape the international system in multiple ways.

John Mearsheimer’s Theory of Offensive Realism and the Rise of China

Sverrir Steinsson • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Lacking internal coherence, Mearsheimer’s theory ultimately fails to provide a logically consistent basis for the view that China’s rise will be unpeaceful.

A Critical Evaluation of the Intelligence Oversight Regime in Botswana

Lesego Tsholofelo • Mar 3 2014 • Essays

The Botswana intelligence oversight regime falls short of addressing the conflicting needs of secrecy and democratic imperatives of transparency and accountability.

Performative Violence: Conceptual and Strategic Implications

Yvonne Manzi • Feb 28 2014 • Essays

The causes and effects of performative violence are linked, and include intimidation, social and material control, social cohesion and communication, and structural violence.

Interwar Liberal Internationalism: Doomed to Fail?

Jamie Gostlow • Feb 26 2014 • Essays

The idea of good motives presents the most interesting critique of liberal internationalism, and can offer a path that appeases both realism and internationalism.

Does the R2P Doctrine Represent a Positive Step for Human Rights?

Sophia Gore • Feb 22 2014 • Essays

R2P, although a symbolic moral step for human rights, is not a sufficiently effective positive step, and is too militaristic in its approach.

The Deployment of Female Counterinsurgents in Afghanistan

Charlotte Fraser • Feb 22 2014 • Essays

Whilst the deployment of female engagement teams in Afghanistan may have signaled a symbolic change in how COIN is practiced, their existence plays only a supporting role.

The Securitization of Mali

Patrick Pitts • Feb 19 2014 • Essays

The French intervention in Mali is a testament to securitization theory’s prowess in challenging, and more significantly, critiquing modern conceptualizations of security.

The Arts as Healing Power in Transitional Justice

Daniel Golebiewski • Feb 19 2014 • Essays

The arts may hold healing power in transitioning societies, as they provide a means for survivors of atrocities to deal with the past and tell their stories in a creative way.

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