
The Rise of the Contemporary Left in Latin America

Nessa Kennedy • Dec 15 2013 • Essays

Neoliberal reforms, a changing workforce, and a dramatic economic downturn in the late 1990s led to a mass overthrow of rightwing incumbents and the ascendency of the left.

Does Secularism Eliminate Extremism?

Sarrah Millwala • Dec 13 2013 • Essays

Secularism as an ideology can contain religion and allow the bifurcation of the state and the religious institution. However, it cannot battle religious extremism.

To What Extent Does History Determine the Foreign Policies Of the BRICS?

Charlotte Lecomte • Dec 13 2013 • Essays

The BRICS today are undeniably concerned with creating multipolarity in a globalised world, but the extent to which historical conditions determine their foreign policies remains contested.

The Breakdown of Societal Order in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Malene Mortensen • Dec 8 2013 • Essays

The civil war in the DRC is a major problem. Historical and sociological approaches help explain the persistence and character of the on-going violence.

The U.S. Pre-Eminence in Post-Cold War Europe: 1990-1991

Iulian Toader • Dec 3 2013 • Essays

After the end of the Cold War, Washington envisioned American leadership in Europe as a means for stability, both for the future of Europe and for the international system.

Nuclear Proliferation Through Critical Security Studies

Ben Willis • Dec 2 2013 • Essays

The apparent threat from continued proliferation both within and outside the NPT framework remains a widely shared concern among all actors—from states to non-state actors.

The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU Post-Lisbon

Lukas Simas • Dec 1 2013 • Essays

Although, at first sight, it may appear otherwise – the EU’s Lisbon Treaty has made a huge step towards a more sophisticated and improved security of fundamental rights.

Can and Should Human Rights Be Universal?

Matthew Lower • Dec 1 2013 • Essays

If the international community maintains a positive role and domestic pushes for human rights are legitimised by international law, they could yet become universal.

The Securitisation Epidemic

James Turner • Nov 30 2013 • Essays

The intentions of biological weapons are to cause damage to the social and economic order of society. Infectious disease also causes damage to this order and thus constitutes a security threat.

Assessing the Impact of the Tea Party on the Republican Party

Guy Walford • Nov 28 2013 • Essays

Did the Tea Party movement revitalise the Republicans? Or did its powerful vocal support from a relative minority of citizens force the Republican Party to move too far to the political right?

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